Hair & Beauty Magazine

7 Skins

By Candyfairy

Natural Skincare That Rocks
Skincare Review! SKINS
It is no secret that I have acne prone skin. Getting my first zit when I was eleven is still clearlyimprinted in my mind. I suffered pretty awful skin all throughout my teens and even into my early20's. I am so happy my skin has calmed itself down over the past ten or so years as I have learnt howto care for my skin, tried a billion different products and acne fighting remedies and perfected aroutine twice daily skincare routine for myself which just comes naturally to me now and is actuallya ritual I look forward to and enjoy, especially at the end of a long day! It is nice and relaxing tospend some quite, quality 'me' time!
Throughout my teen years I wasn't very educated in terms of skincare products and I remember justhaving Saperderm soap in the bathroom which was my face wash. Thinking back I cringe at thethought of using a cake of soap to wash my face with! Majorly oil stripping, it is no wonder my skinwent into sebum reproduction overdrive!
Lucky of teens now a days there are some fantastic Aussie brands helping us out with productsdesigned especially just for acne sufferers and adults alike as I have found 7 Skins to be a fantasticand effective brand with their range of products for my 'normal' adult skin which if you watch myYoutube videos you will probably notice still gets the odd zit pop up every now and then.
Organic Fab Face Detox Tea
Ever since my professional teeth whitening experience I have been trying not to drink so much
coffee so have been working through not only my variant random flavoured tea but also this 100%
certified organic, Aussie made and owned detox tea to help to cleanse my body both inside and out.
With a refreshing blend of ingredients including - burdock, dandelion root, liquorice, nettle leaf, St
Mary's thistle, lemon peel, lemon verbena, red clover, calendula petals & rhubarb root, the flavor is
unique and easy to drink. It is recommended to try 2-3 cups per day, however I have been trying 1-2
and finding my body responding well in the detoxing and appearance of my skin whilst using the
other complimenting products from the 7 Skins Youth range.
4 Week Supply! (2 Cups Per Day) $18.95 (60gms)7 SKINS
Fab Face Mist in LavenderOver since I first tried using a face mist, I cannot tell you just how much I love and enjoy them!Particularly during Summer when it gets insanely humid, having a refreshing, cooling facial mist on hand to cool you down and refresh the skin is addictive!
Facial mists not only hydrate your skin. This blend of lavender, augustifolia, distillate and grapefruit seed extract also tones, cleansers, controls oiliness, helps to heal acne and keeps your skin's natural ph balance in check! Additionally with it's antibacterial and antiseptic properties, this facial mist alsoreduces redness, skin irritations, soothes sunburn and can be used on minor grazes and burns to calm the skin. Trust me, this all rounder is a must have for both your skincare routine and first aid kit, I have been using it like crazy over the past couple of months. And because it is all natural and doesnot contain any nasty chemical ingredients I can safely use it on my kids. Bonus! 
Also available in Rose, Orange Blossom & Chamomile! $15.95 (150ml)7 SKINS
Zappin Zeolite Acne Mask
I haven't had much experience when it comes to using powdered facial masks before, however this
has been fun to use and being a loose powder, this ensures the ingredients stay fresher, longer!
This mask can be used as both a deep cleansing facial mask or as an exfoliant which is highly
effective when used several times per week whilst experiencing a break out. You can mix some of
the formula with water or if you want to pack even more goodness into your skin, the 7 Skins Youth
facial mists can be spritzed into a moist paste and then applied to the skin.
Ingredients include - Organic Australian zeolite & french green clay.
It is recommended to mix your mask into a plastic bowl using a non metal spoon as the clay will
absorb the metal and therefore not be as effective. (Weird fact!)
I found the mask to dry completely after around ten minutes and once rinsed away my skin felt
amazing and looked renewed, fresher and you could really see how deeply it cleaned out my pores!
Loved seeing them so clear and free of dirt and the dead skin build up completely gone!
Available online now directly to purchase from the 7 Skins Youth website. $15.95 (100gms)7 SKINS
Fab Face Acne SerumThis might be a little 15ml bottle, but boy does it pack a powerful acne fighting punch!With soothing, healing, cleansing, antibacterial, antiseptic (to name just a few!) ingredientsincluding - grape seed oil, organic black cumin seed oil, watermelon seed oil, lavender essential oil, sandalwood essential oil, myrtle essential oil, pachouli essential oil & geranium essential oil.
This acne fighting serum can be used to cleanse, hydrate and even fade scaring. I love that this serum not only fights my occasional spot, it also heals my skin and fades some of the acne scaring that Ihave from my teen years. 
100% Natural & Suitable for both men & women! Does not dry out the skin! $18.95 (15ml)7 SKINS
Do you still suffer from adult acne?
How do you keep it under control?
Missed my last posts?Double Empties! | Newa Anti-Ageing! | 10 Way Necklace! | SkinB5 Skincare! |Schkinny Maninny Detox! | Vitamin C24 | Priceline Goody Bag!
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