Tech Magazine

7 Fears of a Blogger

Posted on the 25 November 2012 by Telecolumnist @tele_columnist
Fear is anything which stops your progress and if anything which stops your progress should be first understood top to bottom and probably then you can be able to find remedy to it. So here I am going to find those 7 Fears which makes even biggest ever and World's Best Power Bloggers bring to knee. Fear has another face it is developed in brain gets food from it and ultimately dies off in brain. With this post I am trying to give  you an Antidote so these fears never bites you anywhere. But this antidote is developed after going through numerous research on the web and self analysis experienced in online world.

Fear No.1 

What if My Content is Copied:- 

So what if your content is copied or Mr XYZ or Ms ABC is copying contents from your website and pasting in there's. This fear is well understood by Google and it can understand who wrote the content when which means You who has written content on 20th Nov 08:30AM have replicas on XYZ site and ABC site with time stamp of 21st Nov 04:45 PM and XYZ site with time stamp of 20th Nov 12:30 PM will be beaten off in search ranking when searched about the content. With new Panda Update such sites will be penalized and sometimes are blocked from appearing in search page. Which means these website will not be indexed at all... So first fear Gone Right! let's move on. Moreover you can report Google the copy of contents by filling DMCA.

Fear No. 2

What if my Site is Hacked? 
This fear has both precautions and cure. Precaution is to keep strict eye which sort of sites are linking with your site on web. Because hackers usually connect with sites with a fake domain before breaching.  And cure is if you have got your site hacked your pages can be restored both by contacting your web hoster as well as by reuploading the content by the user post regaining control of the site. So keep backup of your websites refreshed every now and then. I recommend Blogger hosted sites are  much safer as compared to world-press Sites due to strict vigilance and security. But World press anyways we know has a better visibility. Your Second fear is stumped now see what next fear is Upto....

Fear No. 3

What if my Website Traffic Falls?

No need to worry this worry was quiet difficult to solve before the advent of Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. But with round the clock people present on social networking sites. Your legitimate readers are always there to read content of your blog. So no worry and hurry if fine day you loose few hundred visitors on your blog. Unless your followers are there on social networking no need to worry.

Fear No. 4

What if I get Steep Criticism Day and Night on my New Post?

I take it in this way if you are criticized this means that readers think high about your blog and hence you and your blog is a big inspiration in your niche. So criticism is the sign of being popular. Become more alert and choose topics and words on your blog with utmost care because million eyes are watching your every activity. Obviously being popular have disadvantages of its own.

Fear No. 5

What if my Page Rank Falls or a New Google Update nullify my SEO efforts?

The Page Rank is something which is inconsistent same as like Traffic, a worry on page rank is for those who are trying to fool Google to make your website display high in search results. Any SEO or over-optimized Website it used to be a success mantra few years back but with Google Search Algorithms changing every fortnightly it is giving such sites a big run for there money. So don't invest time working on Search Engine because your actual target shouldn't be search engine but the readers who are searching some or the other on net. keeping there perspective in mind you will have to never worry about any algorithm or any  change. You keep writing good content rest all things will fall in place according to time. Last but not the least Write of readers not for Search Engine.

Fear No. 6

My Earnings are not increasing?

This worry comes at-least once or twice in the mind of every blogger. But this is something which is quiet dependent on your visitors. Hence this factor cannot be controlled. If your earnings are falling my simple advice is write more....Both on Blog and Social Networking site, As I said in my initial fears if you have dedicated followers on social networking sites you will never have to worry about your traffic/earnings.

Fear No. 7 

Is my Website able to withstand a big Traffic surge?

You never know which post or which page or which backlink change your fortunes and you find visitors cracking on to your website in lots and lots of numbers. If you have this sort of fear it can be eradicated by two ways:-
A. Buying your domain  either from Google or Wordpress this ensures that whatever be the traffic your website will not crash all of a sudden and if it still does so recovery will be real fast.
B. By Checking if your website is able to sustain such surges by testing it with tools available online.


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