One-level living is something many Baby Boomers are looking for as they buy properties where they plan to age in place. But successful aging in place goes beyond the home itself to encompassing the whole community.
The MetLife Mature Market Institute and the Stanford Center on Longevity identified these seven characteristics of housing communities that will allow older adults to age in place.
It just so happens that you can find all of these in our Twin Cities metro area... no wonder Minneapolis-St. Paul shows up on lists of best cities for seniors!
1. Accessible and affordable housing - zoning laws permitting flexible housing arrangements
2. Convenient transportation systems - mass transit, senior transport programs, walkable communities, roads with good lighting and easy-to-read signs, easy access to parks, recreation and neighborhood amenities
3. Neighborhood safety - low crime rates, emergency plans that take older residents into account
4. Health care - access to doctors, hospitals, preventive health care programs
5. Supportive services - community-based caregiving services, home health care, meals on wheels, adult day care
6. Goods, services and amenities - easy access to restaurants, grocery stores, retail shops
7. Social integration - programs and organizations promoting social activities and intergenerational contact, including libraries, museums, colleges and universities, churches
Sharlene Hensrud, RE/MAX Results - Email- Twin Cities Baby Boomer Realtor