- Your business mission, vision, or "why"
- Your business plan, including ideal clients, marketing strategies, competition, profit streams, etc.
- What is working?
- Where is there room for improvement?
- Are you focusing on the most important and effective areas?
- What are the priority next steps for your business?
- How will you make that happen?
- What are you committed to?
- Is clear and consistent
- Creates credibility and trust
- Engages people and evokes feelings
- Focuses on benefits instead of features
- Includes a call to action
- Is put in front of your ideal clients often
- Letting the client talk and tell their story about the issue and the negative feelings it brings
- Possibly telling a story of a client with a similar story and their success
- Helping them identify what success would feel like and how it would feel
- Asking them what will happen if they do nothing
- Letting them know you believe in them and their ability to succeed
- Inviting them to work with you or buy your product
- Own the value of what you do by focusing on your successes, education, and happy client stories
- Identify what keeps you stuck by completing the sentence, "I want to _____, but _____."
- Sidestep blocks by asking yourself what you would do next if not blocked and then doing it.
- Revisit and shift beliefs about money, the world, success, and yourself that no longer serve you.
- Celebrate your wins, even the tiny ones.
- Set an overall intention for what you want to achieve
- List goals that support that intention
- For each goal write at least the next 3 baby steps that will move you forward easily
- Celebrate each step completed, no matter how small
- Add more steps until the goal is complete
- Take breaks - your brain will work better and you will be more effective
- Give your body the nutrition it needs to function well
- Find a stress relief practice you can enjoy
- Move your body regularly
- Get 7-8 hours of sleep at night
- Do something that brings you joy at least once a week
If you are interested in going deeper into these 6 super powers, I offer going through this process as a coaching package. You can contact me to learn more here.