i'll be honest with you. this morning, i had not idea it had been 6 months since the day Ivory was born. is that horrible? i was laying in bed when i heard the doorbell ring. i wasn't dressed so i looked out the window to see if i recognized the car. it was a floral delivery van so i threw on a robe and went downstairs. the man handed me a beautiful bouquet of white roses. my first thought was "tanner? is this a early valentine/anniversary surprise?" i looked at the note and the first thing i noticed was the date. february 5, 2014. the 5th? how did i not realize it was the 5th? i started counting the months and then was shocked at myself for not even knowing it was Ivory's 6 month birthday. i read the sweet note that said, "6 white flowers to remember 6 months since her birth." these were delivered from Tanners cousin Lisa and her husband Greg. i have truly lost track of time. i had stopped counting the months since Ivory was born because it just reminded me that it was the same amount of months that she had passed. but this was such a sweet reminder of the beauty and joy she brought to my life. february was the month i found out i was pregnant. it was a year ago that i told tanner that we were expecting. i found out on our anniversary and told him on valentines. what a sweet thing that her 6 month birthday would fall on this month. so happy 6 months to you ivory! i love you so!