After divorce, moving house is the most stressful event in your adult life. Here are some great tips to avoid the chaos of your big move and make that transition into your dream home smooth and effortless.
Ask Your Friends
If packing seems like a chore, ask your friends to muck in (nicely of course). Take advantage of your social networks and plan a packing day, with endless tea and coffee on tap for anyone ready to help. Having your friends around you will bring down your stress levels and even make packing fun
Collect Some Boxes
You can never have enough boxes. That’s a fact. The trick is to start collecting them early, and the best place to go is your local supermarket. Ask anyone on the shop floor is there’s any boxes in the back, they’ll be happy to get rid of them. It’s best to have too many boxes than too few, no-one wants to stick their shoe collection in a bin bag.
Get the Movers In
It may have been easy to move house when you just had a box of books and a desk lamp to your name, but with adulthood comes lots of ‘stuff’, and the best way to move your stuff as quickly and easily as possible is to get the movers in. Gone are the worries of losing count of boxes or breaking your china, movers do this every day and sometimes it’s best to leave things to the experts.
Family First
Children can really add to the stress of moving. Keeping an eye on your excited kids while counting boxes is hardly ideal. When you have your moving date confirmed, call Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie or Uncle and ask them for a favour to take the children in for moving day. If they’re not available, make sure you have an engaging and quiet activity set up while the mayhem ensues.
Avoid Hoarding
Do you really need that pile of gossip magazines from 2006? What about that box filled with nuts and bolts that never seemed to fit anywhere? Moving house is the perfect time to streamline your life. With each item you pack up, think “do I really need this?” If the answer is “no”, start filling up those charity bags, or for the extreme hoarders, hire a skip and fill it up with those useless items you never needed in the first place. Lightening the load will save money, time, and stress. Your swanky new pad will look so much better without the clutter.
End With A Party
It’s done, you’ve finally moved into your dream home. Reward yourself with a house warming party. If you plan ahead, this will give you something to look forward to and will be a great way to start life in your new home. If you start to feel stressed, start on your party playlist or plan a unique cocktail that perfectly fits your home. This will help you look forward to the move, rather than dread it. Best invite the friends who helped you pack up!
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Author Bio:
Alex works alongside moving specialists Two Men and a Truck and has recently relocated from the North to the Midlands, therefore has very current experience of moving her belongings from one home to another.