Sharrie Williams is an award-winning Celebrity Columnist and author ofThe Maybelline Story. She is none other than Tom Lyle Williams’ great niece, the founder ofMaybelline, which is now one of the most popular makeup brands worldwide. Tom Lyle revolutionized the world of beauty with his innovation of theMaybelline Cake Mascaraand changed an entire industry. InThe Maybelline Storyshe describes Tom Lyle Williams’ humble beginnings when he started out with his first creations for a darker, fuller eyelash look, inspired by his sister Mabel. In her honor, he named the companyMaybellinewhich became a huge success over the years thanks to his keen business acumen and his imaginative mind for beauty products.
For over 35 years, Sharrie Williams has been very committed to spreading her great uncle’s legacy and reviving the history of the Maybelline empire by engaging in public speaking.Her affluent family enabled her to lead a glamorous lifestyle - “a lifestyle that had taken many generations to create”. Nevertheless, at some point, all went wrong. Her grandmother squandered all her money and was murdered. This incident was followed by a painful divorce when her child was only 5 months old and several hard years of struggling with personal troubles and recovering from addiction. She almost lost everything - but not her strength.In the end, it turned out that these dramatic events were a blessing in disguise as her values changed into more meaningful ones since she worked hard to get rid of the image of the pampered princess. She turned the tragedy of her life to her advantage and became a self-assured, ambitious and capable woman with a fulfilled purpose in life.
Finally, she found the courage to attend the Vanguard University in California to take a degree inPsychology. In her later career, Sharrie Williams also completed studies inScreenwriting, Video ProductionandPublic Speaking.The Maybelline Storybecame a huge success and has won Hollywood’s Best New Author -Honorable Mention and a Pulitzer Prize entry memoiramong others. Furthermore, she has been featured in many online and print magazines worldwide as well as on television programs such asGood Morning ArizonaandCBS California. More than 3 million people have registered at Sharrie William’sblogwww.maybellinebook.com.
Experiencing the rise and fall of a dynasty, Sharrie has lived a colorful life and learned how to press on despite several setbacks - this makes her an incredibly inspiring woman for our website. In our interview, she expresses the true meaning of beauty and gives us an insight into the secret success ofMaybelline.

Sharrie Williams Interview with 5 On Life click here