Culture Magazine

5by25 Meat Street Takeaway

By Vecie78 @NeverSayCool
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Published on November 1st, 2013 | by neversa3


5by25 Meat Street Takeaway

The 5by25 Meat Street Takeaway is all about quick and simple street food that’s big on flavour, but easy on your budget. They want to show you how to cook and save money using great value beef and lamb cuts to make simple, tasty, street food dishes.

5by25 Meat Street Takeaway

Catertaining meat expert and cooking king ‘DJ BBQ’ is bringing the 5by25 Meat Street Takeaway to a uni near you this October. Energised by creating great tasting meat dishes, his passion and madness will keep you entertained whilst the street food samples tantalise your taste buds!

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