I was tagged by the gorgeous Liza to do the '50 things that make me happy' tag, so here we go!
1. The sun!
2. Chocolate
3. Having flowers on the coffee table,
4. Warren
5. Sienna's smile
6. Yummy food!
7. Nights out
8. Tone it up!
9. Friends
10. Vlogging
11. Family
12. Having a good tan
13. Having a good day!
14. Hollyoaks
15. The beach
16. Blogging
17. Cake!
18. Date night
19. A lie in!
20. Hearing Sienna's giggle
21. When my eyebrows (near enough) match
22. Fun days out
23. Spa days
24. Sleep!!
25. Holidays
26. My engagement ring
27. Helping others
28. When things go to plan
29. Bright colours
30. Weddings
31. Cute animals
32. Music
33. Time alone
34. Lee Evans!
35. Sofa snuggles
36. lazy days
37. Fridays!
38. Chips
39. babies
40. Good memories
41. My pregnancy photos
42. Rainbows
43. Lipgloss
44. sunbathing
45. Instagram
46. reality TV
47. pyjamas
48. fresh sheets
49. Rose
50. Action films
I tag you all!!
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