Family Magazine

50 Facts About Me!

By Ourbabyblog @OurBabyBlogx
Yes that's right, this is a whole post about me, aren't you a lucky bunch?! I keep seeing YouTuber's posting their facts and I am literally obsessed with them, I think it's a fun way to get to know each other, the weird, the wonderful and the random bits you otherwise wouldn't know! So without further ado, here are 50 facts about me..
50 Facts About Me!

1. My full name is Jessica Elizabeth Lillian Hill 2.  I am a very good horse-rider 3.  I'm a very positive person, sure I have my negative moments but i've learned to see the silver lining in every situation, I can honestly say it's made my life so much better! 4.  Having Abbie was the best decision I ever made 5.  I'm very very stubborn. 6.  I have an allergy to Phenylalanine (aspartame), it's in a lot of fizzy drinks, sweets and fruit juices. 7.  I really dislike bitchy people, we all like to have a moan but some people take it to a different level. 8.  I've been with Ben since I was 17 (i'm 23 now!) 9.  I was close to dying in 2009, I lost so much blood the doctors weren't sure I'd make it. 10.  My favorite color is yellow!

50 Facts About Me!

11.  I've never been clubbing. 12.  I stopped drinking tea about 6 months ago and feel so much better for it 13.  I recently had 9 inches of my hair cut for charity. 14.  I love Monday's 15.  I am obsessed with Artisan markets 16.  I really really really want to build my own house 17.  My favorite movies are Armageddon, Pearl Harbour & The Notebook 18.  I have a countdown on my phone till the new season of The Vampire Diaries starts 19. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas! 20.  I like things to be planned, if plans change it makes me super anxious.

50 Facts About Me!

21.  I want to take Abbie to every Disneyland there is. 22.  I love love love editing, I could do it all day, it's almost and obsession! 23.  If we won the lottery, we would buy a proper camper van and go traveling around the world 24.  My favorite animals are chickens! 25.  I'm 5 foot 8. 26.  I'm not really a girly girl. 27.  I love documentaries, about anything, I find them fascinating! 28.  I am obsessed with Masterchef 29.  I have a crush on Ian Somerhalder & Gerard Butler 30. I love going on random walks!

50 Facts About Me!

31.  I am very honest. 32.  I didn't wear makeup properly until I was about 16 33. ..that's when I found out I was allergic to most eyeshadows. 34.  For my GCSE's I took French, German, History & Geography. 35.  I'm a cancerian and every description i've read about them is completely true for me. 36.  Family is the most important thing to me 37.  I have 3 brothers & 3 sisters 38.  I've just become a Butlins Ambassador WOOOO! 39.  I've thought about home-schooling Abbie 40.  I'm pretty much a closed book, if you take the time to get to know me then I'll open up to you, you'll find i'm pretty awesome ;) 

50 Facts About Me!

41.  I get travel sickness 42.  I love being on airplanes!  43.  I love to sleep but haven't had a proper nights sleep in 22 months 44.  I love writing lists, shopping lists, to-do lists, meal plans, anything. I've got so many notebooks I could start my own shop! 45.  My camera is always with me 46.  I've always wanted to be an actress but never had the confidence. 47.  I worked as an intern for Universal Music & Bebo & loved it. 48.  I much prefer local holidays than ones abroad 49.  If I could eat one food for my whole life it would be Thai food 50.  My favorite blogs are; Katie - Mummy Daddy Me

Charlotte - Charlotte's Kitchen Alex - Bump to Baby Kerry - Oh So Amelia
I tag all of you to get involved! x

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