My full name is Jessica Elizabeth Lillian Hill 2. I am a very good horse-rider 3. I'm a very positive person, sure I have my negative moments but i've learned to see the silver lining in every situation, I can honestly say it's made my life so much better! 4. Having Abbie was the best decision I ever made 5. I'm very very stubborn. 6. I have an allergy to Phenylalanine (aspartame), it's in a lot of fizzy drinks, sweets and fruit juices. 7. I really dislike bitchy people, we all like to have a moan but some people take it to a different level. 8. I've been with Ben since I was 17 (i'm 23 now!) 9. I was close to dying in 2009, I lost so much blood the doctors weren't sure I'd make it. 10. My favorite color is yellow!
11. I've never been clubbing. 12. I stopped drinking tea about 6 months ago and feel so much better for it 13. I recently had 9 inches of my hair cut for charity. 14. I love Monday's 15. I am obsessed with Artisan markets 16. I really really really want to build my own house 17. My favorite movies are Armageddon, Pearl Harbour & The Notebook 18. I have a countdown on my phone till the new season of The Vampire Diaries starts 19. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas! 20. I like things to be planned, if plans change it makes me super anxious.

21. I want to take Abbie to every Disneyland there is. 22. I love love love editing, I could do it all day, it's almost and obsession! 23. If we won the lottery, we would buy a proper camper van and go traveling around the world 24. My favorite animals are chickens! 25. I'm 5 foot 8. 26. I'm not really a girly girl. 27. I love documentaries, about anything, I find them fascinating! 28. I am obsessed with Masterchef 29. I have a crush on Ian Somerhalder & Gerard Butler 30. I love going on random walks!

31. I am very honest. 32. I didn't wear makeup properly until I was about 16 33. ..that's when I found out I was allergic to most eyeshadows. 34. For my GCSE's I took French, German, History & Geography. 35. I'm a cancerian and every description i've read about them is completely true for me. 36. Family is the most important thing to me 37. I have 3 brothers & 3 sisters 38. I've just become a Butlins Ambassador WOOOO! 39. I've thought about home-schooling Abbie 40. I'm pretty much a closed book, if you take the time to get to know me then I'll open up to you, you'll find i'm pretty awesome ;)

41. I get travel sickness 42. I love being on airplanes! 43. I love to sleep but haven't had a proper nights sleep in 22 months 44. I love writing lists, shopping lists, to-do lists, meal plans, anything. I've got so many notebooks I could start my own shop! 45. My camera is always with me 46. I've always wanted to be an actress but never had the confidence. 47. I worked as an intern for Universal Music & Bebo & loved it. 48. I much prefer local holidays than ones abroad 49. If I could eat one food for my whole life it would be Thai food 50. My favorite blogs are; Katie - Mummy Daddy Me
Charlotte - Charlotte's Kitchen Alex - Bump to Baby Kerry - Oh So AmeliaI tag all of you to get involved! x