Health Magazine

5 Ways Not to Look Boring in Office

Posted on the 12 March 2015 by Women_tips @womentips2013

5 Ways not to look boring in office

No matter how filled our closets are with clothes, we always have the dilemma of what to wear, especially to work.Most of us land up wearing the same boring trousers, skirts and shirts to work. It can get boring after a point of time.

Let me share some ways how you can spice up what you wear to work a little bit.

1. Add one fun item to your look

You can of course go with the classic look of shirts and trouser. But why not add some oomph to it by wearing a fun accessory.

Wear just one fun item that will catch the notice of all around. It can be a watch, a headband, jewelry or even shoes.

2. Clash items

It might sound crazy but it does look nice to see a little careless style. To people who don’t know about fashion, it will look like you are clashing your items.

But to those who know what fashion really is, a few clashes items will give you the careless chic look.

3. Casual business look

You want to be casual and yet not lose the formal look. Confusing as it sounds, you can smartly pair up a few casual things and still make it look like office wear.

For example you can wear jeans and t-shirt, which is super casual and wear them under a formal jacket with pumps or stilettoes to give you that casual business look.

Have fun experimenting with jackets, shoes and briefcases and mixing them with jeans, pants and tops.

4. Glamorous look

If you are one of those women who love wearing glamorous outfits all day, then this is a way to add some spark to your day. Add some gloss and slimmer to your makeup. Wear smart sophisticated glamorous pencil skirts, topped with silky tops and with sky high heels to finish the look.

5. Feminine look

If you’re one of those girls that love to wear flowery dresses and jewelry then this is the look for you. You can pair girly dresses with delicate jewelry with jackets, to give it a slight formal look. Heels look best for the girlie look, but even ballerinas will do the job.

So if you are fed up of wearing the same things to work every day, you can give these looks a shot.

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