Health Magazine

5 Uses of a Kitchen Thermometer

Posted on the 31 March 2015 by Women_tips @womentips2013

5 Uses of a kitchen thermometer

The kitchen thermometer is handy, especially for beginners in cooking who need to know if the item that they are cooking is ready to be eaten or not. There is nothing worse than serving raw food. Tasteless food also will pass but not raw food.

So if you’re thinking that these kitchen thermometers check the temperature only inside your meats, you’re highly mistaken.

Let’s look at the 5 uses of the kitchen thermometer in the kitchen.

1. Eggs

To get your poached eggs just right, then the ideal temperature of the water should be 180 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature the eggs will be intact but with runny yolks. Simply stick the thermometer into the water in which the eggs is being poached to read the temperature.

2. Bread

Opening your oven all the time to check if the bread is done is an annoying task. Just stick the kitchen thermometer inside the bread. If the thermometer reads anything between 190 degrees to 200 degrees Fahrenheit consider your bread ready to be pulled out of the oven.

3. Refrigerator temperature

If you want to know the temperature of your refrigerator, then stick the thermometer in a glass of water inside the fridge for a few hours. Any temperature between 30 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal.

4. Custard

This tool is greatly prized and cherished by pastry chefs around the world. To make custard without having the eggs in it to scramble, you need to get the temperature to 175 or 180 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. Meat

Another indispensable use of the kitchen thermometer is to check whether the meat is done. It basically goes to show that meat at a certain temperature kills all the bacteria present in it and makes it fit to be consumed by man.

The ideal temperature for meat is between 165 degrees to 175 degrees Fahrenheit depending on the tenderness of the meat.

So if you have been withholding to buy this kitchen gadget, then think again. It can make your job in the kitchen simpler.

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