Since posting my first Blog post, less that a month ago, it has felt like the whole world has been “talking” to me, saying “Change Lee” or “Do something you love Lee”.
Well those strange little voices don’t come from weird and wonderful places but from the stupid amount of online content I watch.
I wanted to share some of these videos that struck a chord with me and really are “Must Watch” for anyone thinking about a career change.
So lock your self in a room for an hour and/or stick your headphones into your laptop, iPad etc and get inspired.
Happy viewing and feel free to share the love by sending me the links to any other videos you may have seen lately.
1) Gary Vaynerchuk – ”Do what you love” – Ted (15 Mins)
This short 15 minute talk completely nails it for me. Stop doing what you hate!
2) Eddie Murphy – “I Quit” – Daddy Day Care (45 Secs)
This little gem was hidden away in this typically American feel good family movie. Who would have thought it? Eddie Murphy does what we all wish we could do.
3) Jack Nicholson – ”Freedom” – Easy Rider (1min 49secs)
I am ashamed to say that I only saw this classic movie, for the first time recently. Jack Nicholson’s rousing speech, had me nodding in agreement. And to think that this was made in 1969! Way ahead of its time.
4) Larry Smith – “Why you will fail to have a good career” (15 mins)
This guy I stumbled upon on the excellent Ted website. He’s a geeky college professor type, but strangely fascinating to watch.
5) Tim Ferris – “Mastering any skill” (45 mins)
If you haven’t read any of his stuff already go look at the “Four Hour Work Week” . This was a really good, candid interview with Tim and worth the 45 Minutes.