Business Magazine

5 Predictions for Event Marketing in 2019 – Find Success by Adopting These Trends

Posted on the 06 February 2019 by Marketingtango @marketingtango
5 Predictions for Event Marketing in 2019 – Find Success by Adopting These Trends

5 Predictions for Event Marketing in 2019 – Find Success by Adopting These Trends

If you're like most integrated marketers tasked with event marketing and planning, you probably have a list of event hits and misses from last year-what went well, what needs to change, how you'll do things better or differently this year. Whether you are looking to make small, incremental changes or serious, significant ones, we think this list by the U.K.'s Rapier Group does a good job of distilling many of the predictions for the new events year into five tips for event success.

Whether your budget is large or small, you need to get the basics right to ensure that your visitors, speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors (or your team if you are exhibiting) are enjoying a seamless, consistent experience. Focus on the substance first, flash second: an easy-to-use registration process, navigable directions to/from the event venue, effective networking locations, a good WIFI connection, etc. See everything from your customers' perspective and build the experience you would want to have.

    Deliver a Consistent Experience Across All Media Channels

Some event organizers are still treating digital marketing as a different animal from all other marketing. This is 2019! Marketing is marketing is marketing. Your mission is to ensure that the story that your customers see is consistent across all materials: printed collateral, pre- or post-show outreach, networking and phone conversations, social media interactions display or on-site advertising.

Make your event engaging-studies show that this leads to better customer experiences and, ultimately, better results with your customers. Events are one of the few times that integrated marketers have the opportunity to interact directly with customers. You know your audience best, so this could mean an exclusive presentation with networking to follow, or a fully-immersive event that wows them all day long. Whatever type of event you are holding, make it experiential.

    What to Do When the Middle Ground Gets Shaky

Contrary to the conventional wisdom, the middle is not always the safest place to be. It seems counterintuitive, but in recent years both premiere and price-conscious events have stolen the show from those walking the median. Whichever end of the spectrum your organization is staking out, make sure to carefully craft how you are presenting your business to customers so that you stand out from your peers and competitors. What you don't want is to be average!

We've been hearing calls for sustainability in events for years-a trend that will most definitely continue. In fact, the calls are stronger than ever. Millennial and generation Z attendees and exhibitors aren't just asking for sustainability, they are demanding it. From online or in-app registration and badging instead of wasteful paper versions to thoughtful transportation, planning for resource usage, food and drinks, reducing power and/or implementing renewable energy replacements, and event waste management, event sustainability is an enormous opportunity.

At the end of this year, when you are doing your annual events accounting, make sure you don't have any regrets. Make 2019 the best event year yet for your business by adopting these five trends.

Last modified: February 6, 2019

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