According to the World Health Organization, processed meat can lead to cancer so it is better to intake veggies in your daily diet for a healthy lifestyle. Veggies promote weight loss and provide you with a nice glowing skin. A vegetarian diet would reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. So with lots of health benefits in taking veggies, there are few edible greens you shouldn't miss out in your daily diet.
Onion is vital in Indian cuisines ad the veggie is also eaten raw as salads. They are packed with cancer -fighting antioxidants good enough to protect from lung and prostate cancer. Make a friendly chip dip combining onion with tomatoes, avocado, and jalapeno pepper. Finish it with a splash of lemon juice. The vitamin C in onion will help improving immunity.
2. SpinachThe greeny leafy veggie is stuffed with nutrients. The plant is rich in Omega-3 fatty acid and folate. They are good to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. The additional benefit is they can protect you from age-related sexual problems. Try to include 1 cup of freshly cooked spinach in your daily cuisine. Make salads using spinach and scrambled egg goes well with this leaf.
3. BeetsThe root veggie is stuffed with plenty of antioxidants good to fight against cancer. The lutein present in it protects your eyes. Don't throw away the leaves, they are nutritious and you can make a salad with them along with lettuce. The nutritionist suggests you eat daily. Stir fry the veggie along with a carrot or eat roasted beetroot salad twice in a week.
4. TomatoesThe red veggie is packed with antioxidants and eats them fresh to get maximum health benefit out of it. The basic veggie can't be ignored in Indian dishes, so this would decrease the cause of lung, stomach, skin and prostate cancer. Try to eat red cherry tomatoes daily or you can substitute them with fresh tomato juice.
5. CarrotsThe bittersweet carrots are spiked with carotenoids and they are associated with reducing a wide range of cancers. They are good to reduce the risk of inflammatory conditions. They are very easy to prepare. You can eat the baby carrots raw, make soup, baked carrots and try carrot cake.
The veggies are low in calories but rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. A good mix of vegetables in your diet would extend your life.