Food & Drink Magazine

5 Goals for August

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

I had somewhat of an epiphany last night while I had a hard time falling asleep. I like the goal posts other bloggers do every month. Setting smaller goals is a really smart way to get the desired outcome. So I want to set five smaller goals for this month to help me become a more healthy person.



A small bowl of honey bunches of oats with almond milk and a peach StonyField Smoothie.



The Epiphany

Up until now, no matter if I knew it or not, I’ve been getting mentally and emotionally healthy. Growing up and facing some pretty hard things have been the focus, not necessarily healthy food and fitness. I thought I was focusing on nutritious eats but when I read through my old posts I realize that is definitely not what’s been happening on Maren’s Morsels.

That’s okay because healthy living isn’t always about what veggies you’ve consumed today and the fact that you turned down ever dessert that crossed your path. I’ve had some pretty significant up’s and downs in the last six years and I truly believe fitness and healthy living doesn’t happen when I’m not mentally and emotionally happy. Why? Because they are super hard things! Setting out each day to eat (mostly) healthy, get in some fitness, and balance the two with life is a massive undertaking. It’s fun, don’t get me wrong but it’s hard. Healthy living bloggers should get an award because they make it look easy! I am not one of those people, but I hope to be someday.

I really think I’m ready to start making healthy eating and fitness a positive priority in my life. Running and circuits have become something fun and exciting that I look forward to everyday, not something I feel compelled to push through to neutralize a cookie binge. And I keep having this desire to cook and grocery shop. It’s time to quit buying fashion magazines and browse the produce aisles, ditch the trips to Forever 21 for escapades to Trader Joe’s, maybe riding a bike to the Old Town Farmer’s Market on Saturday should become routine after family breakfasts.

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