How far along?40 weeks, 0 days
Total weight gain: I've eaten everything in sight so lets round up to 30lbs! Ha.
Maternity clothes?Nothing new now, typically though I walked into New Look and they have some of the nicest maternity dresses! I can live in my yoga trousers though! Ha.Stretch marks? So overall they are over most areas of my body that you would expect during pregnancy. They have faded over time already so not so purple now, thank god for Bio Oil! :).Sleep: On and off this week, I usually wake up every 2 hours for the toilet but for the last couple of days i've woken up because i've been excited! Ha.Best moment since last update:This is going to sound silly and odd but getting contractions! I've had irregular ones on and off for the past few days but getting more regular now and stronger :)Miss anything?Nope :) Movement: LOADS, it feels like a proper little baby now, elbows, feet, bum and back. Not had so much pressure on my cervix this week, i'm guessing she's fully engaged! My midwife was amazed at how much she was still moving and also said that even though baby's head was so low down, she was still up in my ribs as well, poor me she actually said. Ha.Food cravings:Nope nothing boring..ha.Anything making you queasy or sick: Every now and then this week, not as bad as the first 12 weeks but still not very nice!Gender: A little girlie :) Labour signs: Irregular contractions the past few days, i'm able to sleep so I know it's not active labor yet, they're getting stronger by the day, it feels like strong period pains, in my lower back and across part of my stomach at times as well.Belly button in or out? I wouldn't even call it a belly button anymore, more like a lump of skin..Ha.Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty happy this week but VERY emotional, I cried waching Masterchef..and anything to do with babys being born..or even just for no reason! Ha.Looking forward to: I know it sounds crazy but i really look forward to actually knowing i'm in labour, just knowing she is going to be here soon makes us both really excited :). Symptoms: Nausea, as I mentioned above it's been more regular this week! Pressure - lots of pressure down there and sharp shooting pains every now and thenCramping & lower back pain - the cramps feel like period pains, oh how i've missed those!
Tiredness - I'm still able to clean and nest but feel exhausted from when I wake up till I go to bed again! It's hard to actually get to sleep though which is slightly annoying!
Here is bump at 40 weeks :)