Fitness Magazine

31 Day New Challenge

By Sbc12 @strongbychoice


December 2013 is a wrap.

Duh, right?

We as a fit family decided to do the following for December:

  • Bear Crawls based on the date of the day (e.g. Day 5 would be 5 crawls)
  • Squats based on the date of the day (e.g. same as above)

We squeaked through this challenge with high fives all around.

My ladies (my wife E and daughter M) became all hardcore and would keep bugging me, “So what is the next challenge?  What are we doing?”

These questions would keep coming at me as December 31 came closer.

Finally on the last day, I decided that we would do for the month of January:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 15-minute Tabata
  • Tuesday and Thursday: Gymnastic Skills Training (Bridging, Hollow Body, Frog Stand)
  • Everyday: Flexibility Program

We started this past Wednesday and oh my…Tabata…is…no…joke!

The longest 15-20 minutes of my life!

E and M struggles with the skill training.  I see them getting better with practice.

What about you?

What challenge will you do this month?

Want to do our challenge with us?

Post your comments below.


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