September’s almost over. So I’m not proud to say that I should’ve post more, yes I should. Some things new this month; setting up my internet to wi-fi turns out makes it more slower especially in the end of the month. Still trying to find out why the connection does not work sometimes. I also trying new stuffs to get more income online (not by putting ads in blog). Unfortunately, this would mean I’ll post less, depend on the time I have left in my free time. But, aside of that, just more errands and things to do. Anyways, every month there’s always something new (including the new 30 Days Recap banner, like it?). Not just that I put my guards down and getting out from my comfort zone, trying to watch a horror movie. I almost watched The Conjuring (2013), but didn’t get the chance. But I did watched Insidious : Chapter 2 (yup!). We’ll get more on that. For now, let’s see the best of the month :
Top 3 Movies in September 2013

Of course it’s Metropolis (1927), couldn’t get my eyes off it. It would be better if I watched it in one sitting and on a big screen. I know not a lot of people get The Bling Ring, but I get the irony and the message. While I love Kings of Summer’s innocence and nature feel.
All the (new) movies I saw this month (I put links to the ones I reviewed)
Behind The Caledabra (2013)

The Bling Ring (2013)

Definitely Maybe (2008)

Only God Forgives (2013)

Kings of Summer (2013)

If I were a teenager, I think I’d enjoy Kings of Summer (2013). It’s not exactly memorable, perhaps it’s because I’ve passed the teenage crisis experienced by the characters in it, but I do think teenagers needed movies with such clear note and simple message like this one. Parents sometimes will always look their kid as a kid, and the kid wants them to trust them more, is what the movie’s basic plot. The characters were likeable and charismatic with good chemistry. Great editing and soundtrack. 3,5 Stars
Kick Ass 2 (2013)

Never been quite a fan of Kick Ass, only curious to see Jim Carrey in it. I always thought that Mindy (Chloe Moretz) deserves her own movie rather than Kick Ass (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) himself, and I still think the same way after I watched the sequel. I love seeing Mindy’s coming of age story, but many other parts of the movie turned me off. Death and killing seemed like a light action, like cooking. Jim Carrey’s performance appeared too short to for us to know more of his character, such a waste. Perhaps it’s for you comic and action lovers. 1,5 Stars
Metropolis (1927) (review on progress)

Insidious : Chapter 2 (2013)

You probably wonder why I decided to watch a horror movie after a long time. Nothing too good at the cinema and I think I need to challenge myself a bit. Result? 80 percent of this movie have tension and horror, I don’t know if it’s just me who rarely watch this genre, but it was quite a horror ride! Lots of surprises and ghosts appear suddenly, unpredictable. Not much space to breathe a little. But since I didn’t watched the first one, I don’t know if it’s better or not. What I know is this one reveal the background of the whole tragedy and it might turn off the mystery the viewers are searching. Yup, it’s ‘entertaining’. 3,5 Stars
Rewatch : Elizabethtown (2005) & Sex and The City (2008)

Posts you might’ve missed :
Inspired By #7 : Ghibli Films & Links
Obstruction 4: Elizabethtown (2005)
Soundtrack Pick : Kings of Summer (2013)
Flirty Pastels : Marie Antoinette (2006)
Readers, watched anything good on September? What’s the best and worst?