Entertainment Magazine

30 Days Recap : November 2014

Posted on the 30 November 2014 by Ikzidna @InspiredGround

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Every November comes, I always said to myself, “Whoa, the year is almost over!” Half of the year, I felt like movies are just this media to entertain myself and it goes by just like that, without really speaking to me. But, it was really because I’ve got some things in the way. Now that I’ve cleared the things and move on, I feel much relief (Let’s just say I have grey cloud in my head half of the year, and now the cloud is gone). November is the month where I started seeing movies really clear.

I’m really glad I’m able to watch some new releases, so I can understand what all the fuss is about. As well as attending JIFFEST just for a bit. It was colorful and joyful. Some of the highlights of the month were being mentioned by Fatima Ptacek, starred in Before I Disappear, in her tweet

Thanks, girl.

Furthermore, here’s the recap of the month :


Interstellar (2014)
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The Hunger Games : Mockingjay – Part 1 (2014)
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Before I Disappear (2013)
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A Clockwork Orange (1971)
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Two Days, One Night (2014)


This movie heals my longing for seeing Marion Cotillard. She’s one of the actress I always like to see.  The woman seem to go for more of everyday-people (with Rust and Bone (2012) rather than a biopic, like La Vie en Rose (2007), which she nailed before. In this one, she’s a depressed mother and wife who’s on the verge of getting fired. The company she’s worked for is struggling on money, so the staff should vote either having a bonus or firing one of the staff. The last hired staff is Sandra (Marion Cotillard). She spend two days on the weekend to visit her colleagues to persuade them to still keeping her job.

While it’s pretty tiring and repetitive seeing her visit to every of her colleagues residence, it showed a lot of persistence and hard work to do so. There’s tough situation (nothing wrong or right), since it’s about someone’s financial needs to choose their bonus rather than choosing Sandra’s career. But at the same time, I find Sandra was doing too much to keep working for a company and staff who don’t consider her hard work. In the end, I wasn’t surprise with the ending. Score : 6


If I Stay (2014)
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When you’re young, talented and fall in love in such early age, surely you’ve got some priority to choose. If you look at Say Anything (1989), it’s a perfect movie that fits the category. If I Stay tells a story about two teenagers about-to-be-the-next-big-thing in music, fall in love. The guy plays rock and roll, the girl plays cello. The girl and the boy quickly falls in to a serious relationship, especially they both so attached to music. But soon they found out they have to be apart to chase their career paths.

The thing is, this movie would be a total sobfest and a favorite for sentimental teenagers like the lead. While for others, like adults, are pretty much been there, done that (the difficulty of being a teenage and its drama). The other thing is Chloe Grace Moretz. I like the girl, but she keep picking mellow characters, while I still think she’s better at kicking criminal’s asses. This part should be perfect for someone who has a mellow gene, like Shailene Woodley. The last, since it’s targeted for teenagers, there isn’t anything new. And the very last, it’s really sentimental and emotional, so for you who love action and thrill should skip it. Love the soundtrack, though. Score : 5


The Young Victoria (2009)
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I’m still caught with Blunt fever, so I decided to check Young Victoria (2009). Emily Blunt said to eagerly want to play this role, because behind the crown, Victoria isn’t what she appears to be. Told by this movie, she’s always been told to do things on her every move. But when she’s appointed to be the Queen, she dare enough to choose her own terms.

I thought Emily was perfect as the young Queen. When you hear the word ‘Queen’, you know that it’s a tough and heavy title. But Victoria made it seem effortless. She’s quite simple minded, but not a doubt a smart girl from the very start. Blunt was refreshing and charming. I wish Prince Albert could be played by someone more fit. Score : 7,5


Gothika (2003)
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In horror genre, Gothika might be a baby or a horror level 1. It was easy to follow and pretty simple, but I still enjoyed it. I did not expect the twist at the very end. Halle Berry was always a likeable woman. Interesting to see Penelope Cruz as one of the crazy patients. Score : 7


Gia (1998)
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No wonder I never see this movie, since I just subscribe with HBO among others now. Gia seems like a role meant to be conquer by Angelina Jolie. Since I now wear hijab, I can’t help but feel uncomfortable everytime the girl wear revealing clothes with reckless attitude. Gia in the movie was so raw and lost, also quite expressive and impulsive. A portrait of woman blessed with good looks and great ability to pose comfortable in everything she wear in front of camera, but lost with drugs and lifestyle. The movie couldn’t stand itself without the solid performance by Jolie. Score : 7


Girl, Interrupted (1999)
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I didn’t watch fully but I caught the friendship between Susanna (Winona Ryder) and Lisa (Angelina Jolie). There’s a certain bubble in the institution, a world where abnormal is acceptable and comforted. With that, there’s a bond between the girls and that is one of the reasons Susanna can be content. In a way, Girl, Interrupted makes normal a boring state, but at the same time it seems that normal is just a way to be accepted, rather than called ‘crazy’. This is a girl movie without have to be girly. I loved the chemistry between the characters, especially the antagonist side of Angelina Jolie almost covered the protagonist in Susanna. Score : 8


Rewatch :

The Holiday (2006), The Hunger Games : Catching Fire (2013), The Notebook  (2004)

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During Ryan Gosling’s birthday, the cable played this movie. Still so romantic, such magical and brought tears.


Top 3
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I didn’t actually rate Clockwork Orange, but I couldn’t deny that movie have a bold impression on me. Despite its minuses, I still enjoyed Before I Disappear and love the soundtrack. While I gave a high score for Interstellar, but today I couldn’t care about what was the movie about. The impression fades. Girl, Interrupted is a cool un-girly girl movie and should be mentioned.


Readers, what is the best movie you watched in November? Any thoughts?

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