Detroit’s 7 Action News reports that a 12-year-old brought a backpack full of $20,000 in cash to school, and started handing it out to classmates in what Yahoo news describes as “quite the show-and-tell.”
Which is quite true, because school officials did show and tell details about the incident to the police, who confiscated all of the money until they are provided with a reasonable explanation as to where the money came from! (The girl got the money from a friend, whose family has been asked to provide the explanation.)
And speaking of Show and Tell, today’s WordPress Daily Prompt challenges bloggers with the following:
“You’ve been asked to do a five-minute presentation to a group of young schoolchildren on the topic of your choice. Describe your presentation.”
Three Worse Show And Tell Presentations For Detroit School Kids Than A Free Money Presentation
1. “Why Not To Be A News Reporter In Detroit.” The presentation would begin with the real 7 Action News Story where the reporter tells the anchor that $20,000 is more cash than either of them are likely to see at once in their life time. The presentation would continue with video of Bill O’Reilly yelling at people. Then, time for a Newsweek chart showing Bill O’Reilly’s 2010 estimated income of $20 million, a math equation showing that’s 1,000 times more than $20,000, and then a Bill O’Reilly impersonation where Bill explains to the students his theory that the Detroit reporter will never see $20,000 because the Obama administration has overtaxed her by that amount, regardless of what she really makes.
2. “Reasonable Explanations Of Where You Got $20,000 in Cash So The Police Will Give You Your Money Back.” This presentation would show photos of Detroit’s three casinos, and then show 4 minutes of the Kevin Spacey film “21,” which was about counting cards.
3. “Bad Explanations of Where You Got $20,000.” This 8-mile, rap battle format presentation would include explanations such as:
- Gambling under the age of 21 after just seeing the movie “21″
- Selling drugs and stealing copper wires from the police station
- From the fancy 3-D printing machine in the basement!