Today’s WordPress Daily Prompt challenge suggests bloggers come up with a list. Okay, then, since we do that every day, let’s look at the latest news!
The Times Of India reports that red wood ants, that build their colonies along fault lines in Germany, can sense earthquakes one full day in advance, a record for animals!
3 Worse Places To Try To Raise Your Family Full Of Ants Than On A Fault Line
1. Ant traps located on a fault line in Germany. These ants can sense earthquakes! Why would anyone put an ant trap right on the fault line? Especially when the traps are going to keep falling off the fault line, every time there’s an earthquake!
2. Spider traps on a fault line in Germany. First, the good news, ants. They’ll be fewer of your natural predator walking around the fault line, so you can get down to your earthquake-sensing business. Now the bad news: if there is an earthquake, you may get tossed into a trap of angry, hungrier, spiders!
3. The Ant Hotel in Aksaray, Turkey. “This real hotel is ranked #1 of all hotels in Aksaray on Trip Advisor!” your ant travel agent might tell you. But as much as the name might inspire real ants to plan a family vacation away from the fault line here, we suspect hotels may create even more ant-stress than a fault line. Might we suggest a family holiday to a tasty maple-syrup filled IHOP dumpster instead?
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