Twitter announced that users in the United States will now be able to buy products while on Twitter using a “buy” button in tweets. Just enter your address and other information once… then later tap to buy, and tap to confirm, and boom… you’ve purchased something….
Here are 3 things we wonder if you’ll buy…
- Edward Snowden’s latest documents. Oh no! Your pocket-calling phone just bought something that landed you on all kinds of watch-lists!
- The Pope’s latest documents. Congratulations, you just bought a Bible. In Spanish. And another book that says climate change is real. What a terrible day for you to have accidental pocket Twitter purchases, Mr. Trump.
- Hillary’s Clinton’s personal emails. Oh no! You’ll probably get really bored reading these. But the good news, is you’re rich, as some Republican Committee-To-Make-Hillary-Look-Bad will probably pay you handsomely for your accidental score.