Current Magazine

3 Slogans We Propose For Publishers Clearing House

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Publishers Clearing House is running a new sweepstakes where you can win $5000 a week for life and then after you die, someone of your choice gets $5,000 a week for life.

Since we’re all about helping companies, here are 3 new slogans we propose related to this sweepstakes:

  1. “Publishers Clearing House. You Get To Choose Who Gets $5,000 A Week For Life After You Die.  Not Responsible If You Choose A Gold-digging Murderer.”
  2. “Publishers Clearing House: If You Do Choose A Gold-Digging Murderer, May We Publish A Book About Your Demise?”
  3. “Publishers Clearing House:  Haha! Suckers Think A Company That Sells Print Publications Will Be Around In Ten Years To Pay Their Winners.”

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