Current Magazine

3 Slogans We Propose For HBO’s Sesame Street

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Yesterday, we wrote about Sesame Street moving its first-run episodes to HBO.  PBS will still show episodes, but they will air about nine months later.  Since we are about helping Muppets, here are 3 slogans we propose for HBO’s Sesame Street…

  1. “This Sesame Street episode on PBS was brought to you by your new baby brother, who was conceived and born since this originally aired on HBO.”
  2. “Get your parents to subscribe to HBO kids, because this PBS Alphabet is soooooooooo nine months ago. The cool kids are learning Mandarin on HBO Sesame Street.”
  3. “HBO: We Brought You The Sopranos, Now Enjoy The Sop-Elmos!”

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