Great news! The 3 items depicted below may be less healthy than your last meal at the drive-thru. And for those of you who happened to eat any of these items at the “Food” Building at the Canadian National Exhibition today, we have great news for you, too. The exhibition ends on Labor Day, so it seems unlikely you will be eating any of these items after that, in case you’re concerned about eaten’ healthy!
#3 The Dirty Bacon Cone! You can feel better about that bacon burger and sundae you had for lunch, knowing that this breakfast-meets-lunch-meets-dessert cone contains “strips of bacon smothered in Nutella.” Listen chefs – it’s bacon, it’s already dead pork – was smothering it in a sandwich spread really necessary?

#2. The Donut Burger… Made With Krispy Kreme Doughnuts! This item sounds so-over-the-top overwhelming that the vendor selling it apparently forgot how to spell the main ingredient, opting for “donut” and “doughnuts.” We, too were overwhelmed, having trouble taking a quality photo, although it may be better a finger was in the way blocking the product in the neighbouring photo, which was called the “Behemoth” and appeared to be a hamburger with the buns replaced by grilled cheese sandwiches. Still, the “Behemoth” was not radical enough to make our list…

#1. The Eclair Dog. If your job is cleaning movie theater or stadium floors, or anywhere else where people eat hot dogs and then throw their trash on the ground, you can rejoice that this chocolatey, creamy, sprinkle-covered item isn’t available at your work place!