Current Magazine

3 Reactions From Horses To American Pharoah Winning Triple Crown

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Yesterday, we wrote about the fact that Triple Crown winner “American Pharoah” has a misspelled name.

Here are 3 reactions we’d expect from horses.

1. “At least he has a name. *sigh*” – A Horse With No Name, from the 1970s song by a band called “America.”

2. “When it comes to America and Americans, neither seem stellar at naming horses.” – A Horse With No Name, who is going to take all of the interviews he can, while there’s still a chance to be in the spotlight.

3. “This horse gets three crowns, while we have to lug around this wagon displaying just one Budweiser crown?” -the Budweiser Clydesdales.

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