Current Magazine

3 Potential Slogans For Airlines If They Let You Use Smart Phones

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

CNN reports that the U.S. government is considering lifting inflight bans of cell phone calls. According to the article, for just millions of dollars, airplanes can be equipped to let you make cell phone calls, which carriers would likely recoup by charging you for the calls.

Anyway, we have some proposed revised classic slogans should this become law and airlines add this service.

1. You are now free to move about the country, just like you do on the ground: seated behind a cab driver who will talk on the phone for the entire trip!*

2. We love to fly and it shows, unfortunately, Anthony Weiner also loves to fly and show stuff via his iPhone camera.

3. Fly the Facebook friendly skies seated next to passengers you’ve never met, and will never actually talk to in real life, just like some of your Facebook friends.

*And still get lost! Dude, if you got off the phone and used the navigation application on the phone, you might find where you’re going, which in this case is the plane’s bathroom!

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