Current Magazine

3 More T-Shirt Slogans We Suggest For Company Suing Jenners

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Yesterday, we wrote about a clothing company called “Island Company” suing PacSun and Kylie and Kendall Jenner because one of the Jenner PacSun tees allegedly violated Island Company’s trademark.

To refresh your memory here is Island Company’s reported trademark:

“Quit your job. Buy a ticket. Get a tan. Fall in love. Never return.

In contrast, the Jenners were reportedly advocating this on their tees:

“Run away. Fall in love. Never return.

Since we’re all about making satirical suggestions for t-shirts, here are 3 more suggestions we have for Island Company.

  1. “Sue one of the wealthiest families in America. Collect bags of currency accepted on an island. Go to an island. Never return.”
  2. “Make a small line of clothing. Sue one of the wealthiest families in America. Suddenly your clothing is more famous! Sell it. Go to an island. Never return.”
  3. “Quit your job. Hire a million monkeys. Get them to type the complete works of William Shakespeare on T-shirts. Sue Shakespeare. Find out his work is in the public domain.  Sue Kardashians for something else the monkeys typed similar to what you typed. Buy a ticket to an island. Never return.”

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