Current Magazine

3 Less Lovely Things Your Dog Could Retrieve Than A Yellow Snowball

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Late last year, blogger/photographer Carol Dunnigan nominated this blog for the One Lovely Blog award, an award that requires you to nominate 15 other bloggers to qualify to win.

Being wary of blog pyramid schemes and Amway Nutritional blog supplements, we respectfully declined the award, as has been this site’s practice since the first time it was nominated.

However, we also did promise to feature Carol’s blog in one of our posts. And as we have been overwhelmed with cat news in 2013, this seemed like a good time to let things go to the dogs.

Specifically, in a blog entitled “First Snow,” Carol posted a photo of her dog in the snow bringing what appeared to be a yellow snowball to her as a gift. Want to know more about this snowball? Then head over to her blog – we don’t post spoiler alerts here!

Want to know 3 worse things your dog could retrieve than a yellow snowball, then you’ve come to the right place! Here they are:

1. A yellow snowman. You never should have bought that home downhill from the clumsy-kid-with-the-year-round-lemonade-stand! Not only does the kid keep spilling Gatorade dispensers full of lemonade, but he’s also going to go bankrupt trying to sell lemonade throughout the winter!

2. Your Google search history. You may have thought clicking “clear history” deleted all of your searches for “Fifty Shades Of Grey” and “Musical,” but your dog was Google employee #53, so you should have known that he would know how to retrieve your personal, potentially embarrassing information from the Google Cloud.

3. A blue, red, yellow and green snowball. You should have never bought a house underneath the Google Cloud! Now it snows in Google logo colors every day thanks to the Google Weather Machine!

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