1. The dorms are air-condition-less.
OMG, I have no idea how I survived the July heat wave with no AC. Living in a very cramped AC-less dorm room in the middle of summer for 4 weeks has made me realize just how lucky, blessed and spoiled I really am.
2. The head coach of the Harvard Debate Council is named Dallas and he has a really cool Southern accent.
Dallas was just one of the many wonderful people I met from HDC. Seriously though, everyone in HDC is simply magical! <i>Why can't everyone in the world just be like them???</i>
3. According to this good-looking Harvard Admissions guy, "Harvard University is home to more varsity sports than any other institution in the nation."
Woah, who would have thought, right?! I've always thought that Harvard would be full of other nerds like me...
I hope you enjoyed those 3 random facts :D Hopefully you all didn't previously know those facts? Otherwise, this title would totally not work... Anyway, despite the whole AC situation, I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend my summer. The campus was amazing, the food was amazing, and the people were even more amazing than the campus and the food combined. They have motivated me to continue debating despite the fact that after I moved, my new school no longer had a debate team. In fact, I'm going to create my very own debate team! These people have taught me in 4 weeks all the life lessons I had been trying to instill in myself for the past 15 years...
Therefore, I'd like to dedicate these photographs not just to Harvard, but to the Harvard Debate Council in particular. Thanks for helping me rediscover my love for debate, HDC. Like I said, you guys are so... magical ... like unicorns!!! :D
^ A very touching statue in Harvard Square with a description that reads, "Never Again Should A People Starve In a World Of Plenty." Good message, but the grammar is really bugging me. I know it was made in the ancient times when English was "different" and all but AHHH, someone get rid of the "A," please!

^ I passed by this building every day on my way to dinner in Harvard Square! (Yet, I still don't know what the heck it's for. LOL.)

^ It's John Harvard!!! He/his statue actually looks quite handsome, haha. Sorry I couldn't get a clearer picture. A bunch of tourists were pushing their way through me...

^ A figurine on a cigarette store... ... ... ???

^ Cool buildings on top of the cigarette store.

^ A huge Harvard book store called "The Coop." I spent a bunch of my free time here.
That concludes the Harvard trip. Thank you guys for reading and reliving this amazing journey with me. :) I missed you guys so much!!! I'm so grateful I have this blog to rant about my nerdy stuff, haha!
P.S. My mom says "thanks for the nice comments. You are good people."