TV & Video Magazine

25 Things You Didn’t Know About Joe Manganiello

Posted on the 05 September 2011 by Truebloodnetcom @truebloodnet

Joe Manganiello True Blood S4 Ep3Joe Manganiello, True Blood’s sexy Alcide, sat down with US Weekly recently to reveal twenty-five things previously unknown about himself. Be prepared Truebies, there are some surprises, but they only make our favorite werewolf more endearing.

Without further ado:

  1. I am excellent at knife-throwing.
  2. My eyes are so bad, they can’t be corrected by laser surgery.
  3. I made the junior Olympic volleyball team when I was 16.
  4. I worked as a roadie for the rock band Goldfinger.
  5. I was an altar boy.
  6. I once planned on playing college basketball and joining the FBI.
  7. I love Disneyland.
  8. I was asked to skip two grades in elementary school but chose not to.
  9. I shaved my head twice and got my front teeth pulled out for stage roles in college.
  10. I sang backup on one of the Used‘s albums.
  11. I love Karaoke.
  12. My favorite city is Venice, Italy.
  13. My favorite movie is Fight Club.
  14. My first concert was Pantera.
  15. I won third place in a chess tournament when I was 6.
  16. I got a 750 on the math portion of the SATs.
  17. I am a die-hard Pittsburgh Steelers fan.
  18. I trained as a boxer and was a sparring partner for an NHL player.
  19. At age 16 I got paid to dress up like Captain Morgan at bars.
  20. My favorite play is A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams.
  21. Last summer, I caught a touchdown pass from Joe Montana in a charity game.
  22. My favorite book is The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.
  23. I appeared full-frontal nude in an Off-Broadway play.
  24. I have a bachelor of fine arts degree in classical theater.
  25. When I was young, I prayed that God would turn me into a werewolf.

The thought of a knife-wielding, hockey playing, karaoke singing, theatre-loving, full frontal, intellectual werewolf is enough to send any Truebie into a frenzy. All we can say is we want 25 more things! What facts did you find most surprising about Joe Manganiello? Let us know all about it in the comment section below.

Source - Us Weekly25 Things You Don’t Know About Me: Joe Manganiello

(Photo credit: HBO)

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