Tech Magazine

21 Ways to Get Traffic on Your Blog

Posted on the 05 October 2012 by Telecolumnist @tele_columnist

In one of my previous post I talked about ways to get no Traffic on your website. So as to make readers find more ways of Traffic Generation I am here with a post which talks about everything which can make your Blog shine over the similar competitors. The best thing what I like about Blogging world is everyone is on level ground and who ever is running fast will get the trophy. And the best part is the trophy is not static hence who ever is sitting on number 1 cannot consider himself number 1 forever. But in this Blogging world Sites get dethrowned overnight from being best to worst or Worst to Best. Hence here lets talk 21 ways to make your website sit on other side of the table.
1.Site Optimization:- Enough is said about this point across web but what I mean to say here is that this single point if implemented properly can bring wonders for your site. There are two options either you do it by your own or take help of some SEO company to make your site be on top of the search results. The main traffic driver towards a website is Search Engine.
2.Regular Content Update:- This I say is Bread and Butter for every website and if you are not updating your website I must say you are missing the bus no optimization nothing will work until you have a big stock pile of contents to talk upon. So keep increasing your content or I say footprints on Online World to make sure every Net User atleast touch your link once.
3.Social Bookmarking site can be your spring board:- Digg, Delicious and similar sites to these two can be traffic driver number three and I am sure if you work upon them with caution and intelligence (Caution because if you talk too much about your website and someone reports it these sites immediatly blacklist your website or user id).
4. Link with other sites of similar Niche:-Quiet easy but quiet difficult, I say Easy if you how to make best content which can make Site owners go crazy about your stuff and beg you to write more on there website. And difficult if you could not bring confidence to the Big Bloggers within you. It is like a Long term Investment you invest once and get returns for life long.
5. Submission to Directories and Free Classified Ads:- Again Intelligent Marketing strategy can give you the best out of this point. As these directories who are free have strict guidelines to follow and obviously who is allowing you to put free ads is going to frisk you to your skin to make sure you are not a spammer or a trojan site.
6.Free Product and Service Offering:- Blog business is a give and take business if you want readers to listen to or you want to build a big following around your website run contests or exciting prizes to talk about or offer your book of best practices some self developed tool which can create a pull to your website.
7.Word of Mouth:- This is the best reliable and most viral way to make people fall upon your website in big numbers. Anyways you know your website is good but a third person can never know you are a good website until and unless he gets to know about it from a reliable source and soon it spreads like a wild fire on the web.
8.Posting on Forums:- Online Blog forums or How to Forums or Ask Forums are the places where you can build a big list of followings because if you solve one or the query on the web people have a tendency to click on URL in your signature to know more about you and hence can know about your website and start following you.
9.Headlines Bring Visitors?:- It is a fact as it is a human tendency to judge people, places and objects on there name. That is the reason there is no one named Raavan or Duryodhan in India. Obviously people dont want to attach negativity to there names. Hence we can conclude that if you are able to make good headlines your inexperience in content writing or website designing might even be neglected by follower.
10.Short Description:- If you are able to handle the first few opening lines of your post you are through with the visitor ending up reading complete post.
11. Time of Submitting your post:- It is quiet important to know when you are heard more in which part of the day. If you are unaware of the time try writing in various parts of the day and self judge in which part of the day you got the best outcome as most number of visitors.
12.Upbeat on Breaking news:- People are looking for the most updated news on the web and if your website is the one who write the first release of a fantastic new Upgrade of Windows or a new update in Android or a new Smart phone launched by Apple. You will be at the top of the search results for that news.
13.Respond to comments of your posts:- Person who is writing a comment on your website is spending some time with your website and hence is sharing experience appreciate people for thoughts and do comment back also you can visit there websites and mark few comments. Hence it is again a give and take but be honest while responding on your website or writing comment on others website to make sure you are not ending up on people's Spams.
14.Guest Posting on others website:- If you give one of the best content to others it can make your website rank go up as it not only drives traffic towards your website but also establishes as a serious folk in Blogging arena.
15.Ask for Reviews:- If you are asking people to review your website  two things will happen first be prepared for proper brick batting, second you are building confidence in others mind as well as in your mind that you can stand in crowd and say you are good enough to be away from crowd.
16Post in Chat rooms:- If you are able to win people from Chat rooms then you are on the path of success for sure because people standing in chat rooms are analyst, critics or a bunch of most Intellectual Netizens on this earth if you are able to establish yourself in between them. Rest assured your rest of the job will be taken care by your these chat room buddies.
17Connect with New readers and never let the old readers go away:- I name it as Defensive attack stratefy and hence this strategy can make you defend your genuine readers go away from your site and also making new followers from various websites.
18Ask questions take surveys:- Ask your readers questions after your every post and make sure they feel connected to the topic you are raising through your website and also ensure that you also participate in similar survey to understand what readers are looking from your website and perspective about your site in mind of other people.

19.  Handling Criticism:- If any reader asks you any question or raise a negative thought about your thought process consider it as an opportunity to make him the most genuine reader of your post. So handling your critics is quiet important as it is well said "Your acute Critic is your Best Friend".
20.Social Networking:- Build your audience through these social networking sites and start pushing contents on to these sites create engagement plans and keep on connecting to people you like the most. Hence you make your site a popular one through these social networking sites and make your reader engaged on or off your website. Building your Brand Value.
21. Be Your Own:- It is quiet difficult to be your own once you see money and fame falling on your feet because people adore because you are the owner of your website but not due to your website is popular, the learning in this situation is not make you identified as website owner but your website be popular due to you.
Hope you had a good ride of 21 Arrows to reach Target to be best website or how to drive traffic towards your Blog. Do Comment with your personal experience of driving traffic towards your website.

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