GoGeomatics Canada is thrilled to announce that GeoIgnite Conference will take place in Ottawa from June 22 th to 24 th 2020. This year's conference will bring together experts from across Canada and the globe.

The conference will also show the art of the possible with leading edge tools and capabilities that can address critical global and national priorities such as the need for climate resistant infrastructure investments in both urban and rural environments.
The conference, given its overt focus on leading edge data and technology capabilities will also provide an opportunity for attendees to better understand critical factors associated with the digital platforms and data that range from open to proprietary data, and critical legal and citizen issues.
The Canadian Geospatial Cities Forum With the vast majority of Canadians living in cities, towns and villages, the 2020 version of GeoIgnite will establish a Canadian Geospatial Cities Forum. Join us as we explore issues related to SMART Canadian Villages, Towns and Cities as an important part of your experience. This forum will capitalize on the enthusiasm associated with urban digital and technological investments and begin discussions meant to close a growing divide between the digital, data and connected infrastructures that serve citizens across the most to least urbanized environments.
The conference website will contain information about the announcements of speakers, exhibitors, sponsors and more details on conference sessions.