If you are lucky enough to be heading to the UK this year then you are in for a real treat! 2015 promises to be a fantastic year for sport lovers in Great Britain, the sporting calendar is always jam packed but this year there are some very special events to look forward to.

A trip to the UK is always a great idea because there is something for everyone; history, culture, art, fantastic cuisine, music and much more, but if you can also catch one of the world’s biggest sporting events it is sure to be a trip you will never forget!
This year there really is so much to choose from, so I thought it would be a great idea to pick my top 3 sporting events that cannot be missed. Feel free to add your thoughts in the comment section below, is there anything you would have liked to have seen in the list? I’m looking forward to hearing about the events you will be attending this year.
The Rugby World Cup
The rugby world cup is coming home to the nation that invented the game. The best rugby nations from all over the world will come to fight it out for the Web Ellis Cup. The best thing is that the fans from all around the globe will descend on the UK – rugby fans are renowned for being super friendly and also knowing how to have a great party. So, if you can’t get a ticket for the game make sure you get a seat in a packed bar because the atmosphere will be electric!
The Grand National
Although the race is an annual fixture in the UK’s sporting calendar it simply has to make the list! No other event in the UK gets the nation more excited or involved. The Grand National is one of the most famous horse races in the world and it always keeps you on the edge of your seat. If you’re in the UK at the time of the race you need to pick up a Grand National Day Card race, go through it and pick out your favorite horse. Then its time to sit back, cheer him on and hopefully pick up the winnings.
The Ryder Cup
This is golf’s most contested cup, it pits the United States against Europe. Tension is always high, nerves are tested and controversy is never far away. This year the Ryder Cup is heading to Scotland. It’s always easy to get into golf events if you show up early enough, try to get there on the last day when the galleries will be in full voice cheering on their teams.