Hair & Beauty Magazine

2014 – This is Your Year!

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic

So… let me start off by saying, I celebrated the new year prematurely. I will admit, I was pretty excited for 2014 because it’s the beginning of a new era for me. I say goodbye to my twenties and a BIG hello to my thirties.

When I purchased my Kikki.K 2014 diary, it is always included with a note…


I don’t like having new years resolutions. Most of the time we never start them and I’ve never been one to start something without finishing it til the bitter end.

So, here are fourteen things I’d like to do in 2014…

Fat Mum Slim‘s Photo A Day everyday, every month
While I know my followers prefer to see photos of LC and Andre on my Instagram (don’t lie, I’ve seen the statistics!) I’m going to make sure that I participate more in these photo challenges.

Read at least one book per month
Last year I didn’t read very many books and I realised at the end of the year that I didn’t make time for it, just excuses as to why I didn’t read. But now that I have an iPad, I plan to download more books and MAKE time to read; thirty minutes before bed and on my lunch breaks at work.

Regulate my beauty routine
Things like getting my brows threaded, haircuts, manicures are all things I want to get into the swing of things. In 2013, I went to get my brows done once a month, barely went to the hairdresser – I can only recall going there once – and only later in the year I started getting manicures fortnightly with my sister. This will all change in 2014.

Go to more beauty events
Now that I have REESEATOMIC.COM.AU back up and running, I will attend more events, meet more people and enjoy the perks of being part of the beauty community again.

Find a new signature scent
I’m retiring my signature scent, ‘L’ by Gwen Stefani and going for something a little more classic, feminine and sexy. My goal this year is to find that perfect scent for myself. Any recommendations are welcome too.

Make more homecooked meals
Being a bachelorette means I didn’t really eat at home a lot. I was taken out for meals with my friends and ordered take out when I finished work late. However, this is going to change this year because I enjoy cooking. I love going to the supermarket, picking up fresh produce and putting it all together on a plate.

Visit Melbourne
I haven’t been back to Melbourne in almost two years and I hate that I haven’t made the effort in going back to see any of the friends I’ve made there, especially my best friend, Zoe, whom I miss terribly.

Stay debt-free
So, mid-2013 I became debt-free. Now, let’s keep it that way.

Plan my Dirty 30
My twenties are officially over this year and what better way to start your thirties but with a BANG! I have two weeks off for my birthday this year, so what to do? Do I plan an overseas trip? Do I have get out of town somewhere? Do I spend a whole lot of time and money spoiling myself? Best start making plans.

See more movies at the cinema
Yep, I’m one of those people who wait til the DVD is out to watch a movie, but I’m hoping to break out of that habit and enjoy more time going to the cinema and seeing movies on the big screen.

Buy real estate
OK, so I’ve been putting this off for a decade now. Yep. I’ve been in the market to buy real estate since I was twenty and now… it’s just about time that I just go ahead and do it. No more excuses.

Wear exquisite jewellery
My new found love for beautiful unique one-off pieces started in mid-2013, buying from markets and now graduated to something more serious. Think Tiffany’s.

Take REESEATOMIC.COM.AU in a whole new direction
So, I have this plan to send this blog into a brand new direction. However, there is a lot of self-improvement to do before that ever happens. It’s a brilliant plan, with inspirations from all levels, from friends and family, to love, to online blogs, traveling and books. I can’t wait to share the new adventure this year with all of you.

Fall in love again
After being in love with the same man for a decade I haven’t been able to give myself entirely to anyone. Sure, it hasn’t been long since we separated but I feel that now is time to move on and open myself up to a brand new kind of love. A love that is reciprocated, wholesome, true and unconditional. Even after having my heart broken so badly, I can still honestly say that I believe in love and it is out there for me.

What are your goals for 2014?



  • HEALTHY 2013 – The year of change!
  • PROJECT: Life Overhaul – 101 things to do in 1001 days
  • WISHLIST: Kikki-K
  • 13 WONDERFUL things that happened in 2013

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