Fashion Magazine

2014 - Starting a Fresh

By Mollylouise

2014 - Starting a fresh2014 - Starting a fresh2014 - Starting a fresh2014 - Starting a fresh
2013 has not been my friend. I've had a fair share of problems which I have found difficult to talk to people about. However, this new year I want to make a few (...or a lot) of changes to my current lifestyle in order to be happy and myself.1)   Let myself enjoy myself more – I like to be alone a lot. I prefer my own company than others. People see it as anti-social but that’s the kind of person I am. So, I am going to change that and hope that brings happiness to 2014, even if that means getting out of bed and making that effort of arranging time with people. (Arranging is so stressful in my friendship group).2)   Stop worrying – I always have a negatude (Comment if you know what TV show that’s off) towards life itself. I always feel like the world is fighting against me so I’m going to make sure I put my worries aside. This means writing more in my notebook.3)   Eat more healthily – My current diet is appalling.I skip meals often and I feel yuck and out of energy, which is not good as I have upcoming exams in the springtime. I should also cut down on chocolate – More apples and strawberries.4)   Exercise more – I hate exercising. I get tired out way too easily and am reluctant to participate in P.E. I end up sitting on the sidelines until I’m forced to get up. Although I have found that badminton is my sport as I find that I am more relaxed than stressed. Definitely a great way of channelling my negative energy.5)   Have a tidy room – This aim will never be achieved. I have probably aimed for this for like 6743455678 years and never lived up to it. I am such a messy person. You should see my room clothes and junk everywhere. 6)   Smile more.Bucket list for JanuarySo on the navigation area of my blog there is a bucket list. Ultimately that is my lifelong aims to achieve. Although they may not seem daring and out there but I like to think realistic because for example there is no chance of me ‘abseiling off a building’ when I have a phobia of huge heights. So here are a few things I wish to achieve by the end the month of January.1)   Feel more confident in myself.2)   Learn to turn the other cheek.3)   Don’t over think about what people say.4)   Don’t panic when people look at me.
5)   Go for a meal with some friends.2014 - Starting a fresh

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