London is like a glamazon! She's a strong and beautiful city that is in charge of her dominions, I thought you already knew? Stamford Hill brought the Hasidic Jewish vibe back into my life, that part of London had a vibrant pace but didn't give me my Kosher chicken soup! Whereas, Golders Green gave me exactly what I wanted! Woolwich had that yuppie type feeling, there's some serious development going down within the Arsenal. South East London served as the perfect contradiction with the gentrified areas finding a way to get on with the better known culturally rich neighborhoods. London's Thames Path showed me so much more of London's riverside, learning to love my capital city some more. I was enjoying this no foreign travel lark a little bit too much! Hey Queen! You should try the Anchor Tap pub, set in the heart of Shad Thames I was very impressed! London showed me that hipsters and pubs work, Shoreditch played my game, I'll make the headlines true, I really loved London!

I tried hard not to get lost in the illusion because my time in Brighton had come to an end, meaning my return back to the West Midlands. The South served a few days of rain but mostly sunny spells graced the days that I spent running around trying to see as much as I possibly could. If truth be told I was sad to leave Brighton, I guess goodbyes just aren't that cut and blow dry? Nevertheless, I really appreciated the Indian spice that Brighton's Royal Pavilion oozed, it served as a tasteful reminder of the British Raj. Suffering from a slight bout of tunnel vision I missed out on a sweet treat from Choccywoccydodah, like I mentioned about that night out, I shall be back B! Who knew that I would win a competition based on my comedic writing skills?! I surprised myself if you must know the truth! I received some shade towards my '24 Hours In: Brighton' blog, that hater better hang his head in shame! The beautiful South allowed me to fall recklessly in love with Brighton! Who needs holidays abroad?!

Funny Girls kick started my Lancashire weekend with an injection of cabaret, I even got a selfie with DJ Zoe! The night was young and I had heard some great things about the Gay scene in Blackpool, getting my drink I hit the Flying Hangbag and Kaos that Friday night. I literally crawled down to breakfast the next morning, who serves breakfast at 8am?! I had almost forgot what pre-drinks were before that weekend, my student days had wrapped up just before that Northern trip. University was done so I reunited with a fellow student who I met at UCB's LGBT Society. Girl, we got our drink on for sure! Hitting the up the same nightspots on the Saturday night I did see Amy! Breakfast didn't exist the following day, Blackpool showed me a weekend to remember or not! Time never stays still so I said farewell to the Las Vegas of the North once again. Talking of Las Vegas! Did Blacks measure up to that Nevada mecca? I saw hints of Vegas in B'pool, drive past the Stratosphere to get what I mean by that?

I got my public transport hype going to reach Gateshead's Angel of the North, another key reason why I trekked from the Midlands to the North East, 'Cheryl Fernandez-Versini', formerly of Girls Aloud will always be the true Angel of the North for me. However the actual cast iron queen stood strong like a fierce looking glamazon! Now I say, take me to the Pink Triangle! I saw right through the clubs that were featured on Geordie Shore I wanted to party at Eazy Street! Newcastle Upon Tyne has a very chilled feeling in the day, people went about their business figuring why the night scene got crazy! Eazy Street served North East realness, Thursday night gave me the opportunity meet 'Beauty Killer' I got another shameless selfie with her! Friday took things up a few notches, the party people were out at Eazy Street for sure! There was no pretense at Eazy Street because it was all about having a great night whatever happened! I was in Crazy Stupid Love! Newcastle how did you do that to me?!
Who Really Needs a Passport?
Joseph Harrison