Lifestyle Magazine

2014 Caroline Castigliano Collection News

By Claire

The new col­lec­tion encom­passes Castigliano’s sig­na­ture sil­hou­ette which is unques­tion­ably fem­i­nine and effort­lessly ele­gant. Her unique abil­ity to cut and con­struct gar­ments enables her to cre­ate a gown that is con­fi­dent and sexy, yet exudes a deep sense of style. Every­thing about a Cas­tigliano gown is unique; from the exquis­ite choice of fab­ric to the foun­da­tion of the gown, which is cre­ated using unique corsetry and under­gar­ment techniques.

Caroline Castigliano wedding dress (1)

15% off a Car­o­line Cas­tigliano designer wed­ding dress!

For a lim­ited time only brides get­ting mar­ried in 2014 who order their dress between now and 12th August will receive 15% off the retail price of a dress!

Car­o­line sug­gests you should bring along some­one who can help you make this impor­tant deci­sion and feel every part the VIP as her Bridal Styl­ists will take you through a con­sul­ta­tion to suit your indi­vid­ual require­ments. “Enjoy a glass of cham­pagne or choose from a selec­tion of sum­mer cock­tails as our styl­ists make you feel at ease. Our styl­ists have all worked at the high­est level of cou­ture and their expe­ri­ence ensures a per­sonal ser­vice and qual­ity expe­ri­ence and every gown is metic­u­lously hand­crafted in the United King­dom to guar­an­tee excellence.”

To take advan­tage of this very rare oppor­tu­nity please call Car­o­line Castigliano’s  Knights­bridge Bou­tique to book your appoint­ment on 0207 590 9120, or visit to request an appoint­ment. Full terms and con­di­tions apply – please ask in store.

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