Art & Design Magazine

2014: A Review and Some 2015 Goals

By Jollygoodstudio @JollyGoodStudio
Hello 2015! Another year and I have decided to kick it off with a little look at the last 12 months. At the start of 2014 a very enthusiastic Me set some goals. Now it's time for Present Me to asses and see if I managed to achieve any of them.
2014 goals. resolutions, achievements
*Collaborate with others. 
Did a bit of this, but it was more as part of the Wardrobe Conversations half of my blogging life. I helped to organize a Halloween shoot with some fabulous fellow bloggers, attended lots of lovely events and worked with some wonderful designers, photographers and other creatives. It was definitely a year of coming out of my shell and being a might braver in public situations.
 * Promotion is not a dirty word. 
I did get on the promotion band wagon at the start of the year. Mainly by contacting bloggers, placing my work in goodie bags and generally talking more about what I make. The problem came as the year went along and I became less sure about what I wanted to create. I also put more energy into blogging, so had less time to actually design and make stuff. Now my shop sits empty as I try and figure out what I want Jolly Good to be about.
Pretty Vexed, Leatherwork, Leather Workshop, new skills, making things
*Learn a new skill. 
I didn't take the nail art class as I had planned but I did attend a leather work class with Pretty Vexed. It was just an evening event but it was fun to play around with a new material.
*Make a jewelry collection using metalwork. 
Nope, didn't manage this one. It's something I really want to do, which is probably where the problem lies. You know when you really want something to go well, but are scared it won't, so you put of starting it - it's totally a case of that. Anyone want to be my jewelry making mentor and give me a kick up the backside?
*Buy a new camera. 
Whoohoo, managed this one. I love having my new camera and how it's improved the images here and over on Wardrobe Conversations. I am by no means an expert with it but I really enjoy messing about and have even tried my hand at shooting video on it.
Adventures, fun times 2014, Halloween, Madamoiselle Macaroon, Naromode, Wear Eponymous, The Gathering Five, Cocktails, Panda and Sons Edinburgh, Edinburgh Zoo wedding, Karen Mabon Pop Up Shop at Time Lifestyle Boutique, Runaway Fox at The West End Fair in Edinburgh, Wardrobe Conversations, Edinburgh Etsy Craft Party, New Years Eve, Wardrobe Conversations Miss West End Girl and Miss Vicky Viola at the Scotland Re:designed Limited Edition Pop Up Shop Ocean Terminal Edinburgh
*Have fun. 
I think I managed to full fill this one once again. In 2014 there were mini adventures, a zoo wedding, blogger events, lots of fun photo shoots and meeting some of my favorite designers. And cake, lots of cake.
And here are some goals for 2015 (hope you can handle them Future Me)......
Goals for 2015, Jolly Good goals, resolutions
*Blog more.
Blogging over here on Jolly Good was not the most consist in 2014, as I concentrated on Wardrobe Conversations. I want to continue to grow the fashion side of things over there, but also get on a more even keel right here. With a focus on jewelry and craft, local designers and my own JG endeavours I want to hone my organisational skills and get all my blogging outlets hunky dory.
*Make more.
I really want to make some Jolly Good products, I just need to figure out exactly what they are. In the meantime I want to get DIYing some stuff just for fun. Hopefully this will help on the JG design front too.
*Go cruelty free with the contents of my make up bag.
On a more personal note, I'd like to start using only cruelty free products to prettify myself. I've been doing a bit of research over the festive period and have made a start with a few products. I posted a mini review of the first bits I've bought. If you fancy checking out my progress with this come follow me on Instagram.
*Have even more fun.
This is just going to be a constant goal, to give me a reminder each year to enjoy what life has to offer. With a London trip with my bff and my other bff's wedding, 2015 is already looking like a good one.
How did you get on with your 2014 goals? Have you got any for the coming year?

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