Life Coach Magazine

2013: To Be & Not to Do

By Laurenbates @myethicaledge

If your schedule is as hectic as mine, then you’ve already written numerous ‘to do’ lists, and have at least the next three months mapped out. Such forward planning may be efficient, but it sure makes the months and years fly past, and sometimes we forget to reserve some time for ourselves, family and friends.

So, here’s a radical idea: let’s park those ‘to do’ lists (I’m not ready to give them up completely), and write sparkly new ‘to be’ lists.

'To be' means reserving time for you

What’s the difference? Well, the way I see it, we usually define ourselves by what we do, and not who we are – or want to be. I see you’d like some evidence. Think back to your last party and I bet everyone you met said, “so, what do you do?” And you replied with details of your job (and if you didn’t – you’re a very rare beast!). We focus so much on our work and ‘doing’, that even when we’re not beavering away at it, we still define ourselves by our 9 to 5 role!

So, go ahead and love your ‘to do’ lists, but don’t forget to reserve some time for other things  - and people – in your life.

Here’s my ‘to be’ list for 2013.

I will find ways to be:

  • Happier
  • Kinder
  • Fitter
  • Smarter

It’s definitely a work in progress – should I add KPI’s and timelines?  I must add it to my ‘to do’ list!

What’s on your ‘to be’ list for 2013? Feel free to share in the comments section.


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