Many of you may have done like me. Create a New Years resolutions list. Or you may not have. I personally write on every year because it gives me an insight into how much I may have changed since last year, but then gives me a guideline as to how to improve my year. I'd be really interested in hearing about your resolutions and if you've actually completed previous ones, so feel free to comment or link me to your posts..
1. Last year (and the year before) I earnt quite a hefty amount of money but have yet to actually save money efficiently. I'm thinking of placing a standing order for my bank account to go into my savings, because I know I wont. Money seems to evaporate like food for me. One minute I have tones, and then I don't - and me, being the greedy person I am, get hungry again. So this year I'm saving money to go on holiday, spend on people and actually have some money behind me in the future.
2. Me and my mom do this anyway but get put off from the rain so easily. This year, no excuses! I'm going to be as fit as a fiddle by next year!
3. Obviously I would do this anyway, but ... I need to study a LITTLE harder tbh.
4. I loved working in Fragrance but this year I'm aiming higher. Maybe working in Clinique, Clarins, Elemis etc. I can only hope and work hard!
5. I spend way too much money on things I don't need or never wear. I need to control myself. Tips on how to would be appreciated!
6. A few years ago I raised £200 for Martlets by doing a Midnight run set up by them. I walked 13 miles in 3.5 hours (and came 10th out of 1000 women - with all modesty forgotten here, I thought that was pretty good)... I plan to do this again this year! It was SOOOO much fun!
7. Yep .. My room isn't really very tidy. I rely on things called parents and at my age, this really isn't acceptable! I WILL change - fingers crossed.
8. I eat a lot of chocolate and desserts but meal-wise I eat pretty well... So cutting down on Chocolate and Sweet intake will be very important.
9. I really dislike the taste of water but this year I plan to overcome it. Not only does it clear up spots etc. but it is also the healthiest drink to drink so.. Can't really go wrong.
10. I make this one my resolution every year, and whether or not I achieve it, I always want to try better.. This year I'll be controlling temper towards parents, being more generous and to be an all-round happy person to be with.
Anyway, those are my main resolutions. Yes I have more, but I thought 10 was enough for you to read hahaaha.. Please, please, PLEASE link me if you've written yours too!