When glasses weren't in hand, it was mobile phones.

There were selfies. There were group shots. There were mug shots. There was even an accidental selfie boob shot by some moron who didn't realise they had the camera facing the wrong way. Ahem.

There was entertainment in the form of bellydancing. Don't worry, it wasn't me. I didn't have the energy to unfurl my belly and I don't do dancing. It was such a hot ticket that people were coming in to the restaurant and trying to join our group, claiming they had spotted their name amongst the name tags. We were totally the cool table. Really, we needed a roped off VFIP section with a beefcake at the front sporting a clipboard and an ear piece.

Because that's how WOMBAT's roll, yo. Babaganoush was shared and boobs were squeezed (shout out to DearBabyG on both counts).

Stories were shared and Secret Santa gifts swapped. Extra massive shout out to Chantelle from Once Upon A Nap - you totally nailed it on the Secret Santa gift front, and I'm already using it just 24hrs later.

There was a rather sus pic of someone circulating on Twitter. I would just like to state that I was not getting friendly with my bottle of Omrah. I was licking the top to mark my territory, as RealJiveTurkey was coveting my booze. Because everyone knows the new Omrah Rosé is quite delightful. The Glowing One said so, and she's never steered me wrong on anything ever in the history of our friendship. Also, she would know because, while I was recently trying not to die in a dramatic fashion, she attended the Rosé Revolution to launch the Omrah Rosé. Without me. Instead of rushing to my bedside.

Now I'm off to finish the