Well, it has taken a while, but it's finally complete. My first "3D" old-style diorama. The subject is the 1953 Redex Reliability Trail, and the imagined scenario is that the Trial's eventual winner, Ken Tubman in his Peugeot 203, is crossing a creek, while the Cinesound film news crew (also driving a Peugeot 203, a wagon) captures the action. Behind Tubman on the road is AL 'Possum' Kipling, in a Holden 48/215.
As for how I did the diorama, there are six postings prior to this one outlining the modification of the cars, and the other work undertaken.
It's been a lot of fun doing every last little detail, and as it's my first diorama I am happy to think that there's a lot of room for improvement, but it also hasn't worked out too bad, either.