History Magazine

1930 Refreshments

By Carolineld @carolineld
1930 refreshments
The stylish motorist of 1930 and his elegant companions would wish to take refreshment on their excursions. Advertisements in Reginald Wellbye's Picturesque Touring Areas in the British Isles aim to suggest that luncheon or tea need be no less stylish than the customers' cars. Owen's of Aberystwyth even offer 'a West End service'. (They do rather put Alton Towers' offer of 'adequate catering' to shame!)
1930 refreshments
Rhyl's establishments showed particular foresight in offering not only restaurant meals but also provisions for a picnic. 
1930 refreshments
These may offer an idealised glimpse of a lost and privileged lifestyle, but all the same, an invitation to 'lunch at Lauders' remains appealing today. 1930 refreshments

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