In an attempt to expand the sort of topics I cover on this blog, I've compiled a list of, not necessarily my favourite films, but those I could (and have) watched a hundred times over.
15. Moonrise KingdomI watched this film a couple of years back after it coming incredibly highly recommended by almost everyone I knew. Since then, it's one I've found myself coming back to time and time again. Not only is the story absolutely beautiful, the film has this incredible look and feel about it, really captures the essence of life. Plus, you can't go wrong with a bit of Edward Norton.

13. Garden State Image from: DVD Beaver 12. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
I'm a little ashamed of how long it took me to watch this movie. I only saw it earlier in 2014 when I had to watch it in preparation for one of my seminars at university. I've watched it a number of times since then, as in 2014, the film is still as horrifying as it was upon it's release in 1960. A timeless movie, Psycho broke so many taboos and censorship laws. Hitchcock really paved the way for what we know as horror today.
11. It's A Wonderful LifeThis film is another gorgeous one, and as a massive Zach Braff fan, it's one I felt I had to see. If the follow-up, Wish I Was Here, is even half as good as Garden State, I can sense I'll be adding another to this list.
10. The ShiningThis was a movie I watched a number of times as a child with my grandparents, so it'll always have that special place in my heart. I watch it a good few times every year, normally around Christmas, when everyone's feeling nostalgic. And at the ripe old age of 21, I can confirm the Childcatcher is still as horrifying as ever.
9. Fight ClubIf you don't know why this film is on the list then I think you need to go and watch it immediately.
8. Reservoir DogsI'm not a massive horror fan. I'm normally the one hiding behind my hands or a pillow during the gory or tense bits. But The Shining is an absolute classic. Still so culturally relevant all these years later, and still completely terrifying. Dare I say, Jack Nicholson's finest role!
7. Hot RodThis was one of the movies that really made me want to study film. It took me so long to eventually watch this movie, that like everyone else, I knew the ending before I'd actually seen it. David Fincher became one of my favourite directors after I saw this movie. And it doesn't matter if you already know the ending, because it's the second, third and fourth watch of the film that really hits you! It's not about where you end up, it's about the journey, and Christ, this one is a roller coaster.
6. AnchormanTarantino has long been one of my favourite directors, and while Pulp Fiction is the obvious choice, Reservoir Dogs is the film that brings you back to Tarantino's roots. Plus, Tim Roth. Swoon.
5. GreaseOne of my lecturers in college introduced me to this movie, and since then it's one I have quoted endlessly, day after day, without fail. If you're into proper ridiculous comedy then this is the film for you.
4. Back to the FutureAnother ridiculous one. This is probably the most quotable movie I have ever seen in my life.
3. Inglourious BasterdsEveryone loves a good musical, and even if you don't like musicals, you've gotta love Grease. An absolute classic.
2. Peter PanI watch this movie, and the sequels, a good few times a year. Normally near Christmas time.
1. Bruce AlmightyYep, another Tarantino. Seeing as I wrote my dissertation on this film, it would inappropriate not to include it on this list. It should tell you how brilliant this movie is that I wrote about it endlessly for 8-9 months, and it's still a favourite of mine. As the last line of the movie states, this is a masterpiece.

Almost any Disney movie could have made this cut, but Peter Pan is one of my personal favourites.
I will always remember this movie as the first 12 rated movie I watched before I was old enough to, so clearly, it holds a special place in my heart. The Steve Carrell news anchor scene is still as funny today was it was 10 years ago.
Friday 13 June 2014, 4:52pm