Travel Magazine

10,000 Hotel Rooms and No Tourists

By Poundtravel

prora hotel

On the island of Rugen Germanic, Baltic, is the largest hotel in the world, but the time was not occupied any room.

The hotel is so grandiose that spans almost 5 kilometers, with 10,000 bedrooms, all overlooking the sea. Surprisingly, this beachfront resort was built 70 years ago, but had no room yet.

Prora – Wikipedia Prora is a beach resort on the island of Rügen, Germany, known especially for its colossal Nazi-planned tourist structures. The enormous building complex was …

As the hotel called Prora was built by the Nazis between 1936 and 1939 on the orders of Hitler. In the same period, Hitler was preparing for war, which was a priority of building a hotel so majestic project was never finished.

Prora is situated along Gulf region Sassnitz and Binz.

During the first years of construction, nearly 9,000 construction companies from the Reich were involved. Early in the war, the works were stopped and workers were transferred to armories.

Hitler’s holiday camp is finally opening up for tourists as luxury … Jun 24, 2015 This sounds like a case of Heil de Hi… A giant holiday camp built by Hitler is finally opening for tourists. Prora was finished by the Nazis in 1936 …

During the war, Prora was used as an outpost for the Eastern German army. After German reunification in 1990, the building remains empty. The complex was built to receive 20,000 visitors, part of the Nazi program ,, Power by happiness’ (Kraft durch Freude KdF). The aim is to promote activities for German workers and spread Nazi propaganda.

Currently the Prora will be transformed into a modern resort, four of the five blocks were sold to private investors.

Source: Vintage News

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