Health Magazine

10 Superfoods That Increase Sperm Count

Posted on the 15 December 2014 by Health_news

10 Superfoods that increase sperm count

Are you not getting pregnant because of your husband’s sperm account? Alcohol and age are factors that affect sperm count and quality.

However there are some foods that if consumed naturally help increase the sperm count. They include:

  • Ginseng – The Chinese wonder drug Ginseng has been used for centuries to help in erectile dysfunctions. Ginseng is proven to increase virility and libido. So adding a little Ginseng in his daily food consumption can help increase the blood flow in his lower region.
  • Bananas – Bananas contain the rare enzyme called Bromelain that produces sex hormones, thereby increasing the sperm count.
  • Garlic-Studies have shown that garlic contain allicin that increases blood flow to the genital area. Garlic is also rich in Vitamin B6 and selenium that regulates the flow of sex hormones and prevent sperm damage.
  • Pomegranate-Pomegranates contain lot of anti-oxidants. The antioxidants present in pomegranate help in destroying the chemical toxin in the blood called alondialidehyde that destroys sperm.So drink up on that pomegranate juice to increase your sperm production.
  • Dark chocolate-If you want to enjoy increased levels of orgasm, do include a piece of dark chocolate in your daily diet. Dark chocolate contains an amino acid called L-arginine HCL that increases sperm production and semen volume.
  • Eggs-Eggs contain Vitamin E that prevents tissue regeneration of the testicles. Egg consumption also helps in increasing fertility and sperm production.
  • Water-Drink lots of water which in turn increases sperm production and their functionality.
  • Walnuts-Walnuts are rich in Omega-3 fatty acid that increases blood flow to the penis. Apart from Omega-3, walnuts also contain arginine that aids in increased sperms production.
  • Beef-Doctors always advise us to keep away from red meat. You should keep away, unless you want to enjoy a good sex life. Beef is rich in zinc that helps in keeping toxins away from the genital area.As a matter of fact, studies have shown that consumption of beef prevent testosterone from converting into estrogen, the cause behind a low sex drive.
  • Spinach-Spinach being rich in folic acid helps increase sperm production and is also said to improve motility of sperm.

So if you are suffering from a low sex drive or libido and are eager to father a child soon, don’t hesitate to include these food items in your diet to improve the production and functionality of your sperm.

Written by:  Rasha Ashraf

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