Health Magazine

10 Superfoods That Fight The Common Cold

Posted on the 19 February 2014 by Sadia

Common ColdA common cold is actually as common as suggested by the name. It does not require any particular weather, time, or part of the world to make its grip and is the most irritating of all health disorders.

Here are 10 food items which act strongly in keeping the cold away and are a must choice, especially in winters.

Food #1 Tea with honey

This combination of tea and honey, which is rich in antioxidants coming from tea, brings in itself both antiviral and antibacterial qualities which makes it a great source of relief. It also squeezes the nutrients and phytonutrients out of tea and honey and thereby provides remedy while hydrating the body. Raw honey in place of processed honey makes it an even better choice.

 Food #2 Garlic

Keeping some strong breath fresheners handy, garlic should be one of the first choices when you wish to stay away from the cold. It has been a remedy of centuries which comes with lots of anti-viral and antibacterial characteristics.

Food #3 Oats

Oats are storehouses of power and health as they are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and also an entity called beta-glucans which are known to be beneficial for the immune system.

Food #4 Red Bell Pepper

Peppers are rich in Vitamin C and are known to have the power of meeting the requirement of Vitamin C for both men and women. This Vitamin C is also useful for keeping the immune system healthy and preventing from cold. There are other nutrients and minerals in pepper which help in keeping the body healthy and immune system disease free.

Food #5 Yogurt

Bacteria are not harmful always. Those present in the gut of the intestines are immensely helpful and should be kept intact by having yogurt and kefirs. By keeping these bacteria happy, you can keep your immune system strong.

Food #6 Mushrooms

Mushrooms may not be very appealing when looked at but, they are rich in beta-glucans, similar to oats. They are full of anti-viral and anti-bacteria characteristics. So, try stir frying or adding them in salad to stay away from cold.

Food #7 Pumpkin seeds

Off late, the health communities are getting increasingly aware of the qualities in pumpkin seeds and are giving those loads of importance. Pumpkin seeds are full of zinc which is a mineral helpful in warding off infection and keeping the health of immune system intact. You can roast and put them in salads or in other foods too. To your surprise, you may find them compatible with many types of dishes.

Food #8 (Chicken) Soup

Soups are an excellent source of relief not only when you are trying to keep the cold away but also when you are already suffering from cold. The mixture of water and broth also contain in them a lot of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Also, if it’s a chicken soup, then you also get the amino acids from the chicken which makes the mucus of your lungs loose.

Food #9 Sweet Potato

These are full of beta carotene and the darker they become, the better are they for health. Beta carotene is converted to Vitamin A inside the body, and this keeps builds the strength of the immune system and ensure the proper working of the body.

Food #10 Blueberries

Blueberries, may at times, take a bit of expense and searching to get them but, when they provide the large quantities of antioxidants and disease-fighting nutrients, it becomes worth the effort. They are also known to have strong anti-cancer characteristics.

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