Humor Magazine

10 Ridiculously Oversized Objects

By Vecie78 @NeverSayCool

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Several times we have stumbled across oversized objects on the internet,built for fun,to release creativity and yet for commercial purposes they always attract our attention.Here we listed 10 amongst the ones we found more entertaining!

Holga Camera (Bitrebels)
The aim of the project is to manufacture a 3:1 scale model of the popular pinhole Holga camera.It was made as part of a University project by Gil Adam.

10 Ridiculously Oversized Objects

Basket Building(NSC)
As the architect explains:”If they can put a man on the moon, we can certainly build a building that’s shaped like a basket.”

10 Ridiculously Oversized Objects

Christmas Lights(Corneliskalma)
The usual New York humble Christmas street decoration

10 Ridiculously Oversized Objects

Folding Table and Chairs(Gagosian)
Well done to the artist,this is an extremely detailed piece of art

10 Ridiculously Oversized Objects

Freshness Bag Tree(Ads of the World)
Keep it fresh with freshness bags by Rubin

10 Ridiculously Oversized Objects

Macro V”Match”(Romulo Celdran)
Another amazing object by a Spanish Artist.
“Macro acts as a kind of traditional magnifying glass that draws us closer to the object worthy of observation even when we keep an appropriate distance in order to view it.”

10 Ridiculously Oversized Objects

Rubber Duck(Florentijn Hofman)
The rubber duck is soft, friendly and suitable for all ages!

10 Ridiculously Oversized Objects

In Bed(Ron Mueck)
London artist recent intriguing works are hard to resist.

10 Ridiculously Oversized Objects

Massive McMuffin Breakfast(I Believe in Ad)
Now being served..

10 Ridiculously Oversized Objects

Giant Noodle Soup(Pia Louise)
Don’t know why,decorative display?Part of the vendine machine?

10 Ridiculously Oversized Objects

Giant Tableware(Design Crisis)
Brilliant conceptual photography project by Mads Lauritzen!

10 Ridiculously Oversized Objects

More crazy objects HERE

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